Wednesday, December 25, 2019

The Leaked Secrets to Sherlock Holmes Essay Topics Uncovered

The Leaked Secrets to Sherlock Holmes Essay Topics Uncovered Reading offers many advantages to persons who desire to turn into great writers later on. The requirements of writers online have changed since the calendar year 2000, once I published my very first matter. When you're selecting an essay topic, it is necessary to choose one which has lots of information and statistics to back up your standpoint, and don't exaggerate any info you have chosen to write about. To make sure you are on the most suitable way you will need help in writing your paperwork. You would like your paper to be noticed, meaning you don't want to choose the effortless topic and have your paper reflect precisely the same thing every one's paper does. Set your objective first, and think of a means to write it in an intriguing manner for your readers to relish. In this way, the reader may also feel the way to be in that specific birthday party. Utilize our creative ideas above to craft an incredible pa per on at least one of these fantastic and insightful themes for the ideal impact. The New Fuss About Sherlock Holmes Essay Topics You don't need to have five paragraphs and three points every moment. So far as essay structure goes, a 4 or 5 paragraph essay based on the number of points you are going to want to argue is an excellent start. It's possible to always give more details once your listener asks for more. It is possible to fill in details and modify the sentence structure after you're clear of what you will need to say. You should first determine the reason behind your essay, before it is possible to write persuasive content about it. Such essays shall have a good deal of quotations, based just on facts and laws, and show no more than the true picture of the situation. The book is genuinely an intriguing read. Naturally, you'll have to mention the very first book as the original supply of the stories. Otherwise, you are going to be suspected in plagiarism. Find ing out how to compose an essay is something which will help students not just in their school and college career, but throughout their life too. There are lots of elements to be considered while looking about for an acceptable topic for an essay undertaking. Therefore, the above told six position essay topics will allow you to compose a very good piece to position essay, but be sure whatever topic you're selecting is not hard to understand and on which you get a good expertise, otherwise you won't be in a position to create sturdy arguments. The more information you may gather about the subject, the better prepared you'll be for writing your essay. The Study Problem must meet up with the deadline selecting a topic that's compelling enough to sustain more study is crucial. Try to remember that even though selecting a topic is only the initial stage of writing an essay paper, it's also among the most important ones. When picking out persuasive essay topics to write about, it would be better to stick to your very own personal opinions so you are going to have a definite idea on what things to put in it. There are several ways of writing an essay but the fundamental structure stays the same. The genuine leadership essay is simple to read and understand. Next, you have to consider the method on how you need to relay it to your readers. In the majority of cases, you want to produce a topic which will allow other people to realize your viewpoint, and telling them to think that what you write is true. Consider an instance of how you can better your speaking via an illustration of a single change in how you believe. The word Goodbye is among the seven principal words and concerns a plan of development that has four steps. A History of Sherlock Holmes E ssay Topics Refuted Sherlock Holmes research paper topics will allow you to get a notion on the matter. He remarks that, Quite so you see, but you do not observe. The common detective story starts with a protagonist who's faced with a mostly mundane incident or the report of an incident he starts to investigate. By reading any of the Sherlock Holmes stories you will not just be enjoying a collection of tales told well but also exploring part of the foundation of contemporary literature. Definitions of Sherlock Holmes Essay Topics In my motivational speaking career, I've had to learn to develop into a master marketer like I learned how to earn money with motivational speaking. You have to make sure that you're very interested in the topic before it's possible to persuade others about it. First off, select a topic that's interesting for you before you think how others are going to react to it. This essay is likely to end up being 300 to 600 words, so in the event that you pick solid examples and make sure you're very clear in your explanations of things, it won't tough to reach. Speech disorders are quite simple to recognize by a layperson. In an issue of speaking, picking out persuasive essay topics is similar to telling yourself what you need to convey to the rest of the planet. Holmes also shows a special approach to working, he'll deliberate almost as if he's asleep before acting. Although the writer is just describing the subject, there ought to still be logic to follow. To start with, he should choose a topic to discuss. Our writers can help you.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Knowledge Management in Ec – E-Commerce - 3096 Words

Knowledge Management in EC – e-commerce Abstract In the present E-Commerce (EC) era Knowledge Management (KM) is fundamental to a company’s success. Not only has the topic of KM attracted much research attention but the management of customer knowledge is becoming increasingly important. Nevertheless, little research has been carried out to see how KM is gained through EC and what a suitable framework is. Companies with EC operations have the advantage of acquiring more detailed information about their customers; for that reason they can gain valuable knowledge about their market. This paper will look at an analysis of how KM is employed in EC sites through analysing the interactions between the Business and Consumer, and between†¦show more content†¦An analysis of these definitions reveals that, while all the definitions are similar and not dominant over each other, five apparent themes on the characteristics of EC do come forward as proposed by Allard and Holsapple (2002). ââ€" ª Firstly, EC sites focus on ma rket-based activities, for example buying and selling through the use of computer based technology, which is probably the most common outlook of what EC is. ââ€" ª Information on the transaction is exchanged and traded almost as if it was the product itself. ââ€" ª EC has an activity outlook that comprehends a range of business activities outside trading that are fulfilled using technologies, for example, marketing activities, production activities, decision support, research activities, trading activities etc. ââ€" ª The goals, reasons and effects of EC are explored from the perspective of business strategy, planning, evaluation etc. ââ€" ª Finally EC is used as a technology to add value to the value chain model described by Porter (2004, pg 33-63). E-Commerce Relationships Nah et al (2002) state that EC activities include the formation and maintenance of online relationships between an organisation and its customers, suppliers, partners, dealers and other agents related to (or in the support of) traditional delivery channels , in ways that could not be supported in traditional retail channels. These activities may be business-to-consumer (B2C), consumer-to-business (C2B), business-to-business (B2B)Show MoreRelatedChapter 8 E-Supply Chain, Collaborative Commerce, and Intrabusiness Ec3301 Words   |  14 PagesChapter 8 E-Supply Chain, Collaborative Commerce, and Intrabusiness EC Learning Objectives Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to: 1. Define e-supply chain and describe its characteristics and components. 2. List supply chain problems and their causes. 3. List solutions to supply chain problems provided by EC. 4. Define c-commerce and list its major types. 5. Describe collaborative planning and Collaboration, Planning, Forecasting and Replenishing (CPFR), and list their benefits.Read MoreInformation Systems Proposal Paper1332 Words   |  6 PagesDisadvantages and Advantages 3 Analysis 4 Transaction Processing System 4 Disadvantages and Advantages 4 Analysis 4 Office Automation System 4 Disadvantages and Advantages 5 Analysis 5 Management Information System 5 Disadvantages and Advantages 5 Analysis 5 Electronic Commerce System 6 Disadvantages and Advantages 6 Analysis 6 Conclusion 7 References 8 Information Systems Proposal Plans have begun to flush out an idea for a traditional record store. Steps had toRead MoreE Business : The Cornerstone Of Our Economy And It Enhances Society Essay1596 Words   |  7 Pagesonnection between a business and how e-bussiness can influence change and create order we must first describe identify e-bussiness as a whole . E-business, is a primary factor and force behind any successful business or organization .When a company becomes more accessible to customers and partners this could generates more expansion for a company as well as create more revenue .The idea of of e-commerence is to operate under technological systems . When we look at e-business we are confronted withRead MoreThe Cloud Of Cloud Computing1673 Words   |  7 Pagescomputing definition in 2011. (Mell Grance, (2010)) defined cloud computing as a model for enabling convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service-provider interaction (Mell Grance, (2010)). Cloud Computing Timeline The cloud computing industry evolved over the past fifteen years and according to (White, 2013) in the article, â€Å"A Cloud Retrospective†, the cloud industryRead MoreE Business : The Cornerstone Of Our Economy And It Enhances Society Essay2408 Words   |  10 Pagesconnection between a business and how e-business can influence change and create order, we must first describe and identify e-business as a whole. E-business is a primary factor and force behind any successful business or organization. When a company becomes more accessible to customers and partners this could generate more expansion for a company as well as create more revenue. The idea of e-commerce is to operate under technological systems. When we look at e-business we are confronted with theseRead MoreConsumer Behavior, Market Research, and Advertisement3033 Words   |  13 PagesConsumer Behavior, Market Research, and Advertisement Multiple Choice Questions 1. According to the EC consumer behavior model, personal characteristics and environmental characteristics are classified as: a. independent variables b. dependent variables c. intervening variables d. decision variables 2. The major environmental variables influencing EC purchasing are: a. price, brand, frequency of purchase, and tangibility. b. social, cultural, community, regulatory, politicalRead MoreLogistics Information Systems4867 Words   |  20 PagesThe impacts of the integrated logistics systems on electronic commerce and enterprise resource planning systems Stephen M. Rutner a, Brian J. Gibson b and Susan R. Williams c a Department of Marketing and Logistics, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR 72701, USA b Department of Aviation Management and Logistics, Auburn University, Auburn, AL 36849, USA c Department of Information Systems and Logistics, Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, GA 30460, USA Available online 31 DecemberRead MoreSeminar Paper on Strategies to Achieve Market Leadership: the Example of Amazon13422 Words   |  54 PagesTechnische Università ¤t Berlin Fakultà ¤t VIII: Wirtschaft und Management Institut fà ¼r Technologie und Management Fachgebiet Strategische Unternehmensfà ¼hrung Prof. Dr. Michael Mirow Seminar Paper on Strategies to Achieve Market Leadership: The Example of Amazon (Summer term 2005) presented by: Sà ¶ren Preibusch, 215995 Kottbusser Damm 24 10967 Berlin Matthias Fleckenstein, 215274 Magistratsweg 21 13593 Berlin Berlin, May 17, 2005 Table of Contents I Table of Contents TableRead MoreZappos.Com6734 Words   |  27 PagesDelivering Happiness at | Supply Chain Management | Submitted To : Raghuram Jayaraman Submitted By: Kiran Khokhar Divya Jain | Table of Contents S.No. | Content | Page No. | 1. | Agile Supply Chain and its Process | 3 | 2. | E-Business | 10 | 3. | Case Study – Zappos.Com | 13 | 4. | Flow Chart | 17 | 5. | Conclusion | 20 | 6. | References | 23 | Agile SupplyRead MoreE-Commerce Test Questions6617 Words   |  27 PagesQuestion 1 A Marks: 1 Major barriers to EC include each of the following except Choose one answer. |[pic] |a. competition. | | |[pic] |b. lack of potential customers. | | |[pic] |c. implementation difficulties. | | |[pic] |d. lack of technology skills. | | Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1. Question 2 B Marks: 1 Because the pace of change and level of uncertainty in the marketplace are expected to accelerate, organizations

Monday, December 9, 2019

Business Process Modeling Organizational Structure

Question: Discuss about theBusiness Process Modeling for Organizational Structure. Answer: 1. The most common organizational structure is the functional type of organizational structure. In the case of small companies their objective is to group their employees in accordance with the departments as their business increases. Grouping the workers based on their functional areas makes a broader sense for the organization as well. Organizations that follow the functional type of organizational structure generally divides their departments based on their functionality, such as accounts, marketing and advertisement, accounting, business development and engineering (Scholz-Reiter and Stickel 2012). The main advantage of the functional type of organizational structure is that when the workforce is grouped on the basis of skills and knowledge it enables a higher efficiency among the workers. The disadvantage of this structure is that, it may enable higher efficiency among the departments but often loses the sight of the entire organization. 2. A functional information system is defined as the system that can be used to gather detailed information about a particular activity or an activity conducted by a group. At the same time a functional information system also summarizes all the available information in this regard in order to help the management in controlling such activities. There are a number of advantages associated with the use of functional information system. However, the most effective among them is it allows its user to access and understand the information and thereby helps them to take necessary actions as soon as possible (Weske 2012). On the other hand, the disadvantage of this system is if it does not function in a proper way, it may cease the operability of the organization. 3. The enterprise information system is any kind of information system that helps an enterprise to improve its business by the integration process. The enterprise information system can be tailored in accordance with the need of an organization to obtain support for the organization. The key difference between the functional information system and the enterprise information system is that enterprise information system operates on the basis of integrating the tools within the organization (Gruhn et al. 2015). The most impressive advantage of enterprise information system is that it provides efficiency and collaboration among the departments within an organization. 4. A functional based organization generally organizes the in accordance with the functional lines, for example along the sales and production. While on the other hand a process oriented organization focuses on the business process for example on the strategic planning of the organization. This is the key difference between the functional view and process view of organizations (Becker et al. 2015). The process view has become more important today because of the overriding pressure of global competition which is forcing the organizations to curtail costs and lead times along with eliminating process delays. 5. The employees in the accounts payable department verify a payment with the help of three way matching system. The three way match system is process of matching an invoice obtained from a creditor or a supplier with the information available with the purchase order of the company as well as the goods receipt of the customer. Therefore the three way match is used in the procurement process in order to ensure whether the transaction is complete and accurate (Scholtz, Calitz and Snyman 2013). In order to complete the system finally the other participants in the supply chain or procurement process in order to ensure the correctness and viability of the entire transaction. 6. Any manufacturing process undergoes a number of phases of production and at each of the phases, components are always required. Bill of Materials actually takes into account the details of the components required at the different levels of operation. In the case of a multi-level Bill of Material there is a child parent relationship that is maintained throughout the successive process. The routing model is defined as the process that takes into account all the tasks that are necessary for the process of manufacturing. It identifies the work centers which are related to these tasks. It also maintains a sequence of task linked operations that have to be carried out on the work centers (Riemer et al. 2014). 7. There are various problems which are associated with the paper based business process or manual business process. There is huge burden on employees for manual routing, that gives rise to the possibility of lost or miscalculated paper work. This paper work may also include a significantly high amount of exceptions and discrepancies. The process takes a lot of time. In order to deal with these issues most of the organizations are relying on automation of these processes. Shifting to these advanced processes will help the companies to deal with these existing issues (Nurcan and Schmidt 2015). 8. At the first sight make to order and make to stock processes may seem to be similar. However, there are major differences between these two. In the case of make to order, the production orders are linked with the sales order. While on the other hand, in the case of make to stock production, production planning gives rise to the orders (Heidari et al. 2013). If the organizations want to adopt the make to order production its ERP system must possess a well-established link between the production module and the order module this is a huge disadvantage. The advantage of make to stock production the forecast of sales can be easily transformed into planning of production. 9. Globalization has affected the organizations performance in several ways. The most three important factors that are associated with globalization affects the performance of the organization broadly. These factors are expanded markets, cheaper resources and the combination of these two. Due to globalization the market where the organization operates becomes larger, and then sometimes it becomes tough for the organization to operate in such a market. Due to the integration between various countries an organization may obtain cheaper resources from another country and thereby reduce the cost of production. The combination of these two will lead to the expansion of the organization (Scheuerlein et al. 2012). 10. It means that a product can be seen from a different view point by the customers. It may be the packaging of the product or the details and quality of the product. Therefore it is necessary for the seller to present the product in such a way in front of the customers so that whatever be their view they will select the product over its other substitutes (Scheuerlein et al. 2012). 11. The master data is that data which remains unchanged over a long period of time after being stored. It contains the information that is always required in the same for. For example the personal attributes when stored in the system can be regarded as the master data. Organizational data is that data which also remains unchanged but may change from time to time basis. The example is the data related to the organization such as the profit and loss of the organization. Transactional data relates to the data collected on the basis of day to day transactionsfor example the data of daily sales of the business. 12. The four basic material types in an enterprise resource planning software are the product planning, manufacturing, manufacturing and inventory management (Scheuerlein et al. 2012). Reference List: Becker, J., Thome, I., Wei, B. and Winkelmann, A., 2015. Constructing a semantic business process modelling language for the banking sector-an evolutionary dyadic design science approach.Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures,5(1), pp.4-25. Gruhn, V., Laue, R., Khne, S. and Kern, H., 2015. A business process modelling tool with continuous validation support.Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures,4(2), pp.37-51. Heidari, F., Loucopoulos, P. and Brazier, F.M., 2013.Business process modelling for measuring quality.International Journal on Advances in Intelligent Systems, 6 (3-4), 2013. Lodhi, A., Kppen, V., Wind, S. and Saake, G., 2013, September. An Analytical Business Process Modelling Language: An Illustrative Example. Ine-Business Engineering (ICEBE), 2013 IEEE 10th International Conference on(pp. 149-155). IEEE. Nurcan, S. and Schmidt, R., 2015.Special Section of BPMDS'2012 on" Artefacts and processes for business process modelling and management". Special Section of the 13th Conference of Business Process Modeling, Development and Support (BPMDS12). Riemer, K., Johnston, R. and Indulska, M., 2014.Questioning the philosophical foundations of business process modelling. Scheuerlein, H., Rauchfuss, F., Dittmar, Y., Molle, R., Lehmann, T., Pienkos, N. and Settmacher, U., 2012. New methods for clinical pathwaysbusiness process modeling notation (BPMN) and tangible business process modeling (t. BPM).Langenbeck's Archives of Surgery,397(5), pp.755-761. Scholtz, B., Calitz, A. and Snyman, I., 2013, October. The usability of collaborative tools: application to business process modelling. InProceedings of the South African Institute for Computer Scientists and Information Technologists Conference(pp. 347-358).ACM. Scholz-Reiter, B. and Stickel, E. eds., 2012.Business process modelling. Springer Science Business Media. Weske, M., 2012.Business process management architectures.InBusiness Process Management(pp. 333-371).Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

journal 10 Essays - Sex Crimes, Violence Against Men,

Spread of Diseases: Sex Trafficking and HIV/AIDS In chapter nine, "Fighting Global Diseases: Pandemics, Antibiotics, Resistance, AIDS, and Maternal Health," June Johnson illustrates the spread and prevention of wide spread diseases. Johnson uses key terms such as, pandemics, antibiotics, Influenza, HIV/AIDS, resistance and control to support her purpose. The stakes are the pandemics, HIV/AIDS and the resistance to antibiotics and vaccinations while the stakeholders are citizens, health leaders, pharmaceutical companies, health care workers and organizations, and political leaders. In the section Thinking Visually shows a scene from the movie Contagion about a virus that killed tons of people, the movie brought awareness to the public and the government for improvements in health care systems during pandemics.The Student Voice, "Experiencing the SARS Pandemic" by Martin Merin, shares his senior year during the SARS epidemic in Taiwan which interrupted his everyday life. Marin believes the Thai government learned how to hand le epidemics more beneficially after SARS had been controlled, "I think the Taiwan government, having learned through this experience, would now be more efficient in dealing with the threat of SARS of other similar diseases" (454). International Voices provides a speech from the president of Liberia who advocates sanitation in the country to prevent the spread of sanitation related diseases. The Global Hotspot is Sub-Saharan Africa because of the effects of AIDS has on the people in the region, the section shows an excerpt from an article which lists ways to reduce the contraction of AIDS. In "Sex Trafficking and HIV/AIDS: A Deadly Junction for Women and Girls" Amanda Kloersex advocates against sex trafficking and addresses the dangers of HIV/AIDS. In the article the stakes are sex trafficking, sex slavery, and HIV/AIDS. Koher's article was aimed at the general public in order for political figures and health officials to make efforts to prevent HIV/AIDS. Koher believes to prevent the disease from spreading involves taking action against sex trafficking organizations and HIV/AIDS; "Preventing this multiplier effect of HIV transmission catalyzed by sex trafficking involves fighting two global phenomena- a deadly disease and a highly complex and lucrative criminal industry, both of which disproportionately affect girls and women around the world" (418). The article identifies the relationship between sex trafficking victims and HIV/AIDS in which sex trafficking victims have a higher chance of contracting the disease. While establishing the relationship between the spread of HIV/ AIDS and sex trafficking, Amanda Kloer supports her claim by providing statistics about victims with the disease, data on people in other countries outside the U.S related to sex trafficking as a global transmission of the disease and provides real examples about the prevention of HIV/AIDS which went against the trafficking reform. Kloer possibly targeted trafficking or health policy makers as well as political leader with new ways of ending sex trafficking in order to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS. Kloer uses logical examples before proposing new reforms against sex trafficking in order to provide strengthened argumentative reasoning. The logical examples about unprotected sex which increases the risk of sexually transmitted diseases, especially when a sex trafficking victim does not have access to contraceptives. Kloer connects the local and global aspects of both issues and impotence of young girls by providin g local and global data of sex trafficking victims in the U.S and in other countries who have contracted HIV/AIDS during captivity. Works Cited Johnson, June. Global Issues, Local Arguments: Readings for Writings . 3rd edition. Boston. Person. 2014. Print. Koler, Amanda. "Sex Trafficking and HIV/AIDS: A Deadly Junction for Women and Girls."Johnson, June. Global Issues, Local Arguments: Readings for Writings . 3rd edition. Boston. Person. 2014. Print. Pp. 418-25.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Personality Theory Workbook Essay Example

Personality Theory Workbook Essay Example Personality Theory Workbook Paper Personality Theory Workbook Paper Freud: Case Study In looking at this case study, I would place Hank in the oral aggressive personality. This is evidenced by his sarcastic nature. Hank is also very argumentative. Hank is fixated in the oral and anal stages of Freudian perspective. This is evidenced throughout the case reading. Some of the evidence of the oral stage include his chain smoking, obsessive eating habits, and nail biting. Evidence of the anal stage include Hank’s sarcasm and the way in which he is so unconscious of how his behavior’s affects others. In addition, he is very rigid in the way he thinks. His fixation with food and cigarettes could be from his mother not giving him the attention he needed when he was an infant. She could have given him food when he was crying or upset. That may be why he goes to it now when he is stressed out or nervous. I believe that Hank’s eating is internally motivated. Hank is in the oral stage and he indulges in food and cigarettes when he is angry or upset. The argumentative behavior that Hank exhibits comes from low self-esteem. Hank uses rationalization as a defense mechanism. He uses this when Sally broke up with him. Instead of trying to understand why she really broke up with him, he made himself feel better by telling himself it was because of his weight and not his personality. This soothed his ego because it made Sally seem like a shallow person. When Hank gets stressed he eats. This is regressing to an earlier period of life, when he was younger and his mother would give him food to calm him down. When he eats, he feels better and is more relaxed. A Freudian therapist would see Hank’s weight problem as a behavioral problem. While Hank was in the oral stage of development, his mother soothed and comforted him with food or something else in his mouth. This led to the behavioral problem of him eating and smoking when upset later in life. A Freudian therapist would likely use a dream analysis technique. This technique would focus on the underlying hidden meaning of the dream. The therapist would try to make the unconscious mind the focus of the therapy. This would make it conscious and therefore promote healing. Healing in Freudian therapy happens through self-help. Jung: Case Study 4 According to Junigan theory, Mark is an extrovert. The characteristics of an extrovert are becoming animated when surrounded by a lot of people and being someone who enjoys socializing and being the center of attention. Mark is a fireman, and is the center of attention quite a bit. His job is very stimulating. He loves live and lives it to the fullest. Mark’s superior function is sensing. According to Junigan, these people focus on happiness and pleasure. Mark’s friends describe him as a happy and outgoing person. Mark has been influenced by the persona archetype. In this stage, a person plays many roles. However, if you are not careful, you can become that role and other aspects of the personality may not develop properly. I know that Mark is this type of archetype because he has always wanted to be hero. When he was a child he would play a super hero or sheriff. Now he is a firefighter. Mark is aware of this influence. He knows that the people praise and reward him, and he enjoys it. According to Jung’s theory, Mark is still in the childhood stage of development. In this stage, his parents tried to force what they wanted on him, instead of encouraging him to attend fire academy. Mark is always thrill-seeking. It appears that he has no desire to find a life partner or settle down. Mark was in the childhood stage, which is characterized by constant pretending. Adler: Case Study 7 The evidence I found that Martin had feelings of inferiority are they sometimes he would go to bed hungry at night as a child, and that his parents were not very affectionate. That is why he tries so hard to have a lot more than he did when he was growing up. The feelings of inferiority influenced Martin’s behavior because he worked very hard to become a person of wealth since he grew up in a humble beginning. In addition, because of the neglect he suffered as a child, he does not have any close friendships or female companionship. Feelings of inferiority create a determination for success or superiority. Martin’s goal was to be more successful and sophisticated than his parents. His unique style of life would be to become a lawyer. Martin clearly remembered defending a little boy who was accused of stealing. This recollection designates the suggested style of life. Martin has a low level of social interest. This implies that Martin does not care to cooperate with others to achieve goals. Instead, Martin depends on himself alone to achieve his goals. The neglect and small amount of attention he received as a child is the cause for this level of social interest. Â  Adler believes that the first born is connected with power throughout their lives. This applies to Martin’s life. Martin loves power and his successful position in society. Horney: Case Study 9 Samara demonstrates the trend of movement toward other people. All she is wants is for someone to love her. In addition, she goes from one relationship to another. She seeks affection and approval from a partner. The need for affection and approval is shown, along with the need for a partner. Samara is very compliant and tries to please her boyfriend’s by being submissive. In addition, she goes from one relationship to another because she is fearful of being alone. Samara’s neurotic behavior is caused from the basic anxiety that results from not getting sufficient love from parents. Samara’s self-image is not an accurate one. She sees herself as pretty much perfect. She does not understand why her boyfriend’s keep breaking up with her. Samara describes herself as loving, generous, unselfish and sensitive to the needs of others. Horney’s theory explains that we all see ourselves as how we want to be. That is evident in the way that Samara views herself.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Your Guide to the Hottest Jobs in Chicago

Your Guide to the Hottest Jobs in Chicago ah, the windy city†¦home of deep dish pizza and perennially dashed baseball hopes (sorry, cubs fans!). by any measure, chicago is a bustling hub in the heart of the country. and while its thriving cultural and sports scenes are vital to everyday chicagoans, chances are you’ll need a day job in case that improv career with second city doesn’t pan out. if you’re seeking a new job or a new career path, take a look  at some  the hottest jobs in chicago. the tech sectorsure, chicago is considerably colder than silicon valley, but if you’re looking for a job in the tech sector, don’t count out a midwestern move. over the past 6 years, the chicago-based tech world has grown even faster than silicon valley’s. companies like google have offices there, and the city is also home to co-work spaces and business incubators that are steadily putting chicago on the tech map. business incubators are communities-within-the-community that help support talent and entrepreneurs as they develop new products and businesses. and this kind of collaborative community is one of the reasons that chicago is becoming a magnet for young tech innovators and job: software developerin an increasingly tech-friendly city, software developers are at the very heart of it all, working on software programs and apps. with a bachelor’s degree and the programming skills, software developers command a median salary of $100,000. and the demand keeps growing: the u.s. bureau of labor statistics predicts 17% overall growth by 2024.the service sectorover the past few years, chicago has seen an unprecedented number of visitors to the city. that means soaring demand for people to fill jobs in hotels/hospitality, restaurants, bars, and other service industries. and it’s not just chicago- the united states bureau of labor statistics predicts 6% growth for hospitality-related industries by job: mixologistin chicago as anyw here else, there are plenty of places where you can drop in for a cold beer, no fuss. these days, there are also a lot of places where you can drop in for the plenty-of-fuss version: an artisanal cocktail, crafted with homemade bitters, herbs grown in a community garden, and an instagram-ready look. bartenders and mixologists are taking on the status of chefs these days, and with the fancier cocktails commanding prices in the $10-$15 range, this is not your grandpa’s suds-slinger. the average mixologist in chicago earns $22,000 before tips- and the field is expected to grow by a healthy 10% nationally by 2024, per the bureau of labor statistics.the healthcare sectoras a nation, our health is†¦a growing challenge. as such, healthcare-related industries are booming just about everywhere, especially as the population ages. chicago is no exception, and it’s even being touted as one of the next big hubs for health technology. chicago is a city with world-class medical facilities (90 hospitals, six medical schools, and numerous fictional tv hospitals), as well as headquarters of major medical organizations like the american medical association, the american hospital association, the american alzheimer’s association, and the american heart association. (not to mention the walgreen’s pharmacy mothership just outside the city.)hot job: home health aidei mentioned chicago’s many exciting tv hospitals before, but the reality is that some of the most important healthcare jobs are considerably less flashy. home health and personal care aides fill important roles in this industry, providing daily care to seniors, the disabled, and other home-bound patients. what the job lacks in glamour and riches (the median salary is $22,920 per year, or $10.54 per hour), it makes up in stability and accessibility. you can become a home health aide without a formal degree (and with some on-the-job training). and the bureau of labor statistics predic ts that the field will grow by an astonishing 38% over the next decade. if you’re trying to decide whether the healthcare career path is right for you, this job could be a good way to dip your toe in and find out.the manufacturing/production sectorspeaking of less-glamorous jobs, chicago is a leader in manufacturing. and in fact, manufacturing is chicago’s second-biggest business sector, tied heavily to its strong trade and export industries. and this has a long and storied history with its get-your-hands-dirty jobs: as far back as 1914, poet carl sandburg referred to the city as â€Å"hog butcher for the world / tool maker, stacker of wheat, / player with railroads and the nation’s freight handler.†basically, you name it, chicago has probably processed and handled it. these days, manufacturing isn’t the nationwide industry it once was, but in chicago there are some areas of the industry that continue to thrive, like food processing and production. companies like kraft, heinz, wrigley (of ballpark and chewing gum fame), sara lee, keebler, and quaker oats have maintained major operations in chicago, alongside a growing industry of small-batch food companies that are rising in popularity on the foodie job: truck driverall of these foods and products need to make it from point a to point b, and that’s where a fleet of dependable drivers come in. whether local, regional, or long-haul, trucking can be a great career option for someone with a spotless driving record, an ability to find zen in the open road, and the knack for solving problems on the fly and get somewhere on schedule. with a specialized commercial driving license (cdl) and some on-the-job training, drivers make a median salary of $40,260 per year, or $19.36 per hour. according to the bureau of labor statistics, the need for drivers will continue to grow through the next decade.whatever you want your career path to be in chicago, windy city newbie to s easoned chicagoan, you have so many options, in fields that will continue to grow and thrive. happy hunting, and go bulls!

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Raymond carver's cathedral Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Raymond carver's cathedral - Essay Example Life is so mysterious he thought as the two men discussed over the issues with his boss oblivious of the relationship between the blind man and the wife. Ali sprang into action when he was ordered to get a heavy paper and a pen to draw a cathedral. Ali was fond of paintings and had even bought two or more paintings for his girlfriend during her birthdays. Ali came back carrying the piece of paper he thought would be good for drawing. At the moment, he was the only audience to the art making process. Ali watched in amazement as his boss and the blind man drew the cathedral on the paper. The wife joined a minute later and they watched together as the two men drew the cathedral with their eyes closed. By the time the two men were done with the drawing, Ali could not help realizing the true nature of humanity. According to Ali, this was the most defining moment, which defined the true meaning of sight versus

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

This is an Assignment where you have to analyze an Annual Report, do Essay - 1

This is an Assignment where you have to analyze an Annual Report, do some calculations and write a report about your findings (Accounting) - Essay Example e financial year of 2004, the company presents an acceptable profitability performance, acceptable solvability ratios, good efficiency performance and a rather unpreferable liquidity performance. We believe that management is able to maintain stability of the business. Shareholder should give good evaluation points to the management and their performance, but nevertheless, should also be aware of the nature of the industry which present the possibility of only providing the corporation with no more than 3% profit (out of sales). There are several important emphasizes relating to the significance of financial reporting. We already know that the main purpose of providing sound and viable financial report is to satisfy current shareholders and investors, and attract future ones. But what are the significant points that drive shareholders and investors to finalize their financial investment decisions? According to Financial Management (2005), investors seldom read trough business plans or financial statements thoroughly. They already know what they want. According to the article, most investors want to see business that will grow rapidly and someday will provide a handsome profit. Investors generally does not invest on products, instead, they invest on business. Thus, long term investors generally want to see good profitability ratios and prospects, more than other indicators within financial reports. Joseph Stiglitz (2002), on the other hand, stated that only 10% of today’s new capitals has been raised via equity markets. This condition rises because shareholders do not generally have enough access to corporations to ensure themselves that their investments are safe and growing. For major shareholders (present and future ones), the most influential factor in terms of investment is risk. Future shareholders are generally reluctant to finance businesses that present considerably significant or uncertain risks. They have also been wanting to have more ‘control’

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Universities in Middle Ages Essay Example for Free

Universities in Middle Ages Essay 1. 1 Origin of the University The main reason for the establishment of the universities in Europe was a spontaneous and enthusiastic desire for knowledge. Centres of learning had grown up from the monastic and cathedral schools formed what might be called the secondary school system of the early Middle Ages and were mostly concerned with the study of the liturgy and prayer. Towards the end of the twelfth century a few of the greatest old cathedral, monastic or some other form of schools claimed, from the excellence of their teaching, to be more than merely local importance. These schools were generally recognized places of study, where lectures were open to student of all countries and of all conditions. However, for these places of study, it took a long period of time to become universities (Cubberley, 1920). The more ancient and customary term for an academic institution was studium generale. Let us explain the way studium was created in those days. It began when the teacher of some ability and reputation attracted more and more students to study. In period of time more teachers and more students came. The addition of generale meant that the studium was attended by students from other countries and it was contrasted with a studium particulare, which taught students only from the neighbourhood. In the thirteenth century, according to famous historian, Hastings Rashdall, three characteristics were connoted by the term Studium Generale; a school which aspired to the name must not be restricted to natives of a particular town or country, it must have a number of masters, and it must teach not only the Seven Liberal Arts, but also one or more of the higher studies of Theology, Law and Medicine (1969, p9). It was used in much the same sense in which we speak of a University to-day (Graves, 1914) The term universitas itself was a general Roman legal term and originally meant any legally defined guild or corporation unless qualified by other expression. The complete name of the medieval university was – Universitas Magistrorum et Scholarium – the body of masters and scholars. Graves suggests that â€Å"it signified a company of persons that had assembled for study and, like any other gild, had organized for the sake of protection; since they were in a town there they were regarded as strangers. Thus it did not refer to a place or school at all, but to the teachers and scholars† (1914, p87). Lyte affirms that â€Å"in the earliest and broadest sense of the term, a university had no necessary connexion with schools or literature, being merely a community of individuals bound together by some more or less acknowledged tie. The term was, however, specially applied to the whole body of persons frequenting the schools of a large stadium† (1886, p5). According to Mullinger there are at least â€Å"three new factors in the intellectual activity of the older universities which clearly distinguish that activity from anything that had gone before. Firstly, there is the introduction of new subjects of study, as embodied in a new or revived literature. Secondly it is the adaption of new methods of teaching, which these subjects rendered necessary. And finally there is the growing tendency to organisation which accompanied the development and consolidation of the nationalities† (1888, p4). Rashdall also concluded that the university had embodied three important educational values: â€Å"a commitment to providing not only useful professional training but also the highest intellectual cultivation possible; a desire not only to conserve and transmit knowledge but also to advance it by research and writing; and the most important of all, the idea of joining together teachers of diverse subjects into a single harmonious institution, the ideal of making the teaching body representative of the whole cycle of human knowledge† (1969a, p12). Practically in the second half of the twelfth century there were only few great centres where the highest education was attainable. The two great archetypal universities were those of Bologna and Paris. There was a great difference between them. The University of Bologna was considered to be the University of Students. It means that the students had entire charge of the government of the university. They hired and paid for the teachers. The University of Paris was regarded as the University of Masters, where the government was in the hands of the teachers and was paid by the church. These two types served as a pattern for nearly all the universities in Europe. The majority of the universities of northern Europe followed the system of Paris. On the other side the system of Bologna was the prototype of the southern universities. The other universities we focus on are the University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge. For their formation the University of Paris served as an example. However, they were not supported by the church but by the crown and the state (Rait, 1912). 1. 2 Privileges granted to universities From the time of the early universities popes, emperors and kings bestowed a large variety of exemptions, immunities and other special privileges on the masters and students of the universities. Basis for many special privileges granted to the professors and students in the early universities was formed by the grant of privileges to physicians and teachers made by the Emperor Constantine, in 333 A. D. and the privileges and immunities granted to the clergy by the early Christian Roman Emperors. In 1158, Frederic I. Barbarossa began the granting a privilege to the Studia Generalia in the document known as the Habita (the first word in the charter) in which he placed the students under his direct protection and declared them subject to the jurisdiction of their masters or of the bishop of Bologna. This grant was for the benefit of students of Bologna who were not natives of the city and were exposed to many dangers and disadvantages. It occurred that in case of any dispute between the students and a citizen of the town, the citizen had the advantage in the local court. Also the students were often robbed while travelling. So this emperor issued the following edict: â€Å"to all scholars who travelled for the sake of study and especially to the professors of divine and sacred laws They may go in safety,† he said, â€Å"to the places in which the studies are carried on, both they themselves and their messengers and may dwell there in security In the future no one shall be so rash as to venture to inflict any injury on scholars of to occasion any loss to them on account of a debt owed by an inhabitant of their province. If anyone shall presume to bring a suit against them on account of any business, the choice in this matter shall be given to the scholars, who may summon the accusers to appear before their professors or the bishop of the city, to whom we have given jurisdiction in this matter† (Graves, 1914, p82). During the period of time this privilege was also given for other universities by monarchs. A similar edict gave Philip Augustus to the students of Paris in 1200. A reason for conceding this privilege was a fight between the students and the king? s troops. The students were defeated and some of them even killed. Philip Augustus was afraid that the students would leave the school and it would be closed. He blamed his own official for the fight and gave the students full protection and immunity. It contained the obligation of every citizen of Paris to seize any one seen striking a student and deliver him to the judge. He also relieved students from trial by the city authorities unless the serious crime had been committed; in that case all judges were commanded to hand over the cases of the student criminals to the ecclesiastical judge (Munro, 1888). In 1231 Pope Gregory IX published a statute that was looked upon as the Magna Charta of the University of Paris. The members of the university were granted the right of making â€Å"constitutions and ordinances regulating the manner and time of lectures and disputations, the costume to be worn, the burial of the dead; and also concerning the bachelors, who are to lecture and at what hours, and on what they are to lecture; and concerning the prices of the lodgings or the interdiction of the same; and concerning a fit punishment for those who violate your constitutions or ordinances, by exclusion from your society† (Munro, 1921, p367). The universities had also certain recognized privileges that were specially granted by the civil or ecclesiastical authorities. Such was the jus ubique docendi, which meant that a master in one Studium Generale had the right of teaching in any other without further examination (Graves, 1914). Moreover the masters and the students had the right of cessation, the privilege of suspending lectures and go on a strike when university rights were violated. This right was frequently used to defend the university from the infringement of its freedom to teach, study, and discipline. This was closely connected with the right of migration. In the case that the members of the university were not satisfied they could leave the city and go to another town. Since the universities had no buildings and the lectures were held in the hired rooms, it was easy for them to move almost overnight. This grant caused the rise of many new universities. Sometimes it happened that a special invitation was issued to a university exercising the cessation to come to another city or even country. It was the case of the University of Oxford in 1229. King Henry III. promised the striking masters and scholars of Paris that â€Å"if it shall be your pleasure to transfer yourselves to our kingdom of England and to remain there to study, we will for this purpose assign to you cities, boroughs, towns, whatsoever you may wish to select, and in every fitting way will cause you to rejoice in a state of liberty and in tranquillity† (Graves, 1914, p85). Later Oxford, in turn, was to suffer from a similar migration. These privileges were generally held by all the universities through which the universities obtained a great power. They were free of the threat of royal or civic interference. An advantage of being self-governing corporations was that the universities were responsible for their own disciplinary arrangements and rarely had to deal with outside authorities. The liberty allowed to students resulted in recklessness, immorality, license, quarrels, dishonesty and care freeness. The students seemed to have become dissipated and quarrelsome. There were many conflicts with townspeople and even among themselves. 1. 3 Organization of universities. The students for a long time naturally grouped themselves according to the part of world and to the nation from which they came. These societies or confederations were generally known as â€Å"nations†. They came together for better protection and society. Every year each nation elected a chief, who was called the consiliarius (â€Å"councillor†). He represented the nation, looked after its interests and the rights and controlled the conduct of its members. There were constant quarrels between the different nations. A contemporary writer Jacobus de Vitriaco, has left us an account of student life at Paris, in which he says: â€Å"The students at Paris wrangled and disputed not merely about the various sects or about some discussions; but the differences between the countries also caused dissensions, hatreds and virulent animosities among them, and they impudently uttered all kinds of affronts and insults against one another†(Cubberley, 1920, p73). In each studium generale there were a larger or smaller number of â€Å"nations†. At Paris were four nations:†the honourable nation of the Gauls, the venerable nation of the Normans, the very faithful nation of the Picards, the very constant nation of the English†. Each was subdivided into provinces, and in a â€Å"province† might be included men from many lands. (Munro, 1921) According to F. P. Graves, â€Å"by the early part of the thirteenth century the students of Bologna had merged their organizations into two bodies – the universitas citramontanorum (â€Å"Cisalpine corporation†), composed of seventeen nations, and the universitas ultramontanorum (â€Å"Transalpine corporation†), made up of eighteen; but not for some three centuries were these two united† (1914, p87). In turn, the teachers themselves were combined together into â€Å"faculties†, that is to say, as associates in one and the same branch of learning and instruction. As H. C. M. Lyte states in his work that â€Å"the term faculty, which originally signified the capacity to teach a particular subject, came to be applied technically to the subject itself, or to the authorised teachers of it viewed collectively. Thus there might be separate Faculties of Theology, Law, Medicine, and the liberal Arts, coexistent within one university, although every university did not necessarily comprise all these Faculties† (1886, p7). Teachers and students were members of these faculties, and consequently also of the university. The importance of the faculties was different in various universities. A good example is the University of Bologna. Its Faculty of Law was the most prominent, the Faculty of the Medicine was established in 1316 and the Faculty of Theology was added in the year 1362. So it was with many of the early universities. All of four traditional faculties were found by the fourteenth century. Each faculty came to elect a decanus (â€Å"dean†) as its representative in the university organization. The deans, together with the councillors of the nations elected a rector, who was the head or president of the university. In a university of masters, he was generally chosen from the masters and in a university of students, he was usually a student (Graves, 1914). A long struggle aroused between the rector and the chancellor who was usually appointed by the Pope and represented the Church, to be the chief authority in the university. Ultimately the rector became the chief authority and the position of chancellor had no real importance. 1. 3. 1 The Faculty of Arts At Paris, Oxford, and Cambridge the arts faculties were the most dominant and were preparatory to the other three faculties. There is no evidence of any formal requirement for entry into an arts faculty, but it was necessary to have elementary proficiency in Latin, however the lectures were given in this language. The prescribed length of the course was six years with a minimum age of fourteen or fifteen for admission. According to Robert of Courson? s statutes of 1215 the minimum age for graduation as a master was fixed at twenty years. The basis of the medieval curriculum in Arts is to be found in the Seven Liberal Arts of the Dark Ages. The term liberal, derived from the Latin liberalis, has its roots in the word meaning â€Å"free†. It can implicate that a liberal arts education â€Å"frees† individuals from the chaos of irrationality. In the medieval period, the liberal arts were divided into the Trivium, which was consisted of Grammar, Rhetoric and Dialectic, and the Quadrivium, which included Arithmetic, Astronomy, Geometry and Music. These â€Å"Seven Liberal Arts† were thought suitable for the development of intellectual and moral excellence (North, 1992). Grammar always had a central place in the curriculum, but it did not mean how sentences are constructed or the analyses of parts of speech. It was the foundation and source of all the Liberal Arts. In the introduction to an improved Latin grammar, published about 1119, grammar is defined as â€Å"The doorkeeper of all the other sciences, the apt expurgatrix of the stammering tongue, the servant of logic, the mistress of rhetoric, the interpreter of theology, the relief of medicine, and the praiseworthy foundation of the whole quadrivium. † Grammar also included the study of poetry and poetic structure. It was also used for the analysis of secular writings, scriptures and biblical commentaries (Leff, 1992). By the definition, Rhetoric is the art of persuasion. Defined by Maurus, it was â€Å"the art of using secular discourse effectively in the circumstances of daily life. † Students learned about the techniques of oral expression and strategies of debate. It also enables the preacher or missionary to put the divine message in eloquent and impressive language. Dialectics, or logic, was the study of the use of logic in debates. By means of its aid a student was enabled to formulate argument, expose error, unmask falsehood, and draw conclusions accurately. It also includes the theory that argument and debate are part of the learning process. Its popularity was greatly enhanced by the acquisition of writings of Aristotle (Leff, 1992). The Quadrivium had relatively little importance and received small attention during the medieval period. The chief purpose of the astronomy was to explain the seasons and the motions of the planets. The study of this field enables the priests â€Å"to fix the time of Easter and all other festivals and holy days, and to announce to the congregation the proper celebration of them† For telling the time and for surveying purposes were used instruments which included a map of stars, the astrolabe and the quadrant. Other field of Quadrivium was also used for determining church days and calculating the date of Easter – Arithmetic. Moreover it involved the study of theories underlying the study of numbers and interpreting passages in the Scriptures involving measurements. It has to be remarked that the Roman system of notation was used and the Arabic notation was not known until the beginning of the thirteenth century (North, 1992). Geometry, the science of measurements, was used primarily as a means of calculating and measuring. Its focus was on the relational values between objects and determining ratios. It involved the geography of Europe, Asia and Africa, too. Music was based on the same principle as Arithmetic. While Arithmetic concerned the numerical manifestation of universal ratios, music was considered to be the expression of numerical relationships using sounds. According to Michael Masi, harmony in Music was â€Å"the ratio and proportion expressed in musical terms. † The primary focus of scholars was to become familiar with the mathematical nature of music. John North cited Brunetto Latini who said that â€Å"music was the second mathematical science, which serves for our delight and for the service of the Lord† (North, 1992, p343). The study of music was also important in religious practises The education of Seven Liberal Arts prepared students for careers in the church, education, business and law. It came to be the standard for a university education for next centuries. 1. 3. 2 The Faculty of Theology This faculty was the most important of the four and it prepared students for the service of the Church. The book which received far greater attention than the Scriptures and the students put most of their time upon was Peter Lombard? s Book of Sentences. The neglect of the Scriptures for the scholastic theology was characteristic for this period of time. Graves in his work A History of education during the Middle Ages and the transition to modern times quotes Roger Bacon: â€Å"Although the principal study of the theologian ought to be in the text of Scriptures, in the last fifty-years theologians have been principally occupied with questions in tractates and Summ? , horse-loads composed by many, and not at all with the most holy text of God. And accordingly, theologians give a readier reception to a treatise of scholastic questions than they do to one about the text of Scripture† (1914, p90). The course usually lasted for eight years and some centuries later it was extended to fourteen years. According to C. Munro, â€Å"while theology is commonly spoken of as the â€Å"queen of the sciences† and the seven liberal arts are termed its handmaidens, the faculties of the theology did not enrol a very large number of students in the thirteenth century† (1921, p372). 1. 3. 3 The Faculty of Law The course generally contained civil and canon law. The authorized text for civil law was Justinian? s Corpus Iuris Civilis which included compilation of imperial edicts, the Digest of opinions of Roman jurists, and an introductory text for students. For the study of canon law it was Gratian? s Decretum which included ecclesiastical offices, the administration of canon law, and the ritual and sacraments. As Munro says, â€Å"many students in the law faculty, however, did not aspire to proficiency in the laws themselves, but were content with the more humble but lucrative study of the ars dictaminis, or ars notaria. and the ars dictaminis may be styled the complete art of letter writing. Hence knowledge of this art was especially useful in law matters and came to be known as the ars notaria† (1921, p373). Bologna was the acknowledged centre of instruction in both the civil and canon law. 1. 3. 4 The Faculty of Medicine The Medical Faculty taught the knowledge of the medical arts which included the Greek and Arabic text-books, especially the treatises by Hippocrates and Galen. There was no dissection of the human body practised till the thirteenth century; therefore the only way to study human anatomy was from text-books or from the study of the anatomy of animals. â€Å"The year 1300 is almost exactly the date for which we have the first definite evidence of the making of Human dissections, and the gradual development of anatomical investigation by this means in connection with the Italian universities† (Munro, 1921, p374). 1. 4 Degrees The system of degrees was common to all universities during the thirteenth century. There were three grades of degrees – Bachelor, Master and Doctor. After the three year? s course of trivium at the Faculty of Arts had been completed, the student entered upon quadrivium, and became a â€Å"commencing† bachelor or a â€Å"determiner†. According to Mullinger the â€Å"determiner was called upon to preside at certain disputations in the schools, and to sum up, or determine, the logical value of the arguments adduced by respondent or opponent. † (1888, p25). This meant nothing more than the student? s apprenticeship to a master but it was his admission to a degree of Bachelor of Arts (Verger, 1992). Performing the act of determining – to be tested in public disputations – made him a bachelor of arts. To be tested in public disputations meant that â€Å"a student was permitted to present himself for a test as to his ability to define words, determine the meaning of phrases, and read the ordinary Latin texts in Grammar, Rhetoric, and Logic (the Trivium), to the satisfaction of other masters than his own† (Rashdall, 1969a, p28). According to D. R. Leader a bachelor of arts was â€Å"in effect a journeyman master who partially shared in the masters? privileges of lecturing and presiding at disputations† (1994, p22). This term as H. C. M. Lyte states, â€Å"was used in a technical sense at all the medieval universities, to denote a student who had ceased to be a pupil, but had not yet become a teacher† (1886, p7). The Bachelor was a student-teacher who was seeking to obtain a license to teach in his own right. At the end of quadrivium the bachelor was formally discharged from the state of apprenticeship and he could entreat the chancellor for the degree of master. If the masters of his faculty decided that he was a suitable candidate for the magisterium both by his learning and character, he was received into the brotherhood of teachers and became an â€Å"inceptor†, the candidate. After he passed the actual, â€Å"rigorous† examination which consisted of a disputation upheld by the candidate over a particular question, he was regarded as â€Å"graduated† but was not qualified to teach in the university. The â€Å"graduated† had to also pass the public examination. It was a ceremony during which he performed his first magistral act, usually a disputation with students, on a theme of his choice. There was no possibility of failing. After all these statutory requirements the â€Å"inceptor† received the degree of master and he was authorised to lecture. However, he was obliged by oath to act for two years as a regent or teacher. This period was known as his â€Å"regency†. This rule guaranteed the supply of teachers for the university (Green, 1969). J. Verger says that â€Å"the general attitude at the end of the Middle Ages was that the title gave its bearer genuine social dignity, giving him access to the world of the privileged, indeed, to that of the nobility† (1992, p145). If the Master of Arts wished to enter upon a further course of study, he had to pass through similar steps of bachelorhood and magisterium in one of the superior faculties as well. The terms â€Å"Master† and â€Å"Doctor† were at first synonymous, but during the fourteenth century the title â€Å"Doctor† began to be used instead of â€Å"Master† for the chief degree in the Faculties of Law and Medicine (Verger, 1992). As F. P. Graves expressed â€Å"the degrees â€Å"master† and â€Å"doctor† seem to have been originally about on a par with each other. .. As soon as a candidate was successful in the one, he immediately proceeded to the other, upon which occasion he received both the license to teach and the doctor? s degree† (1914, p92).

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Corporal Punishment :: essays research papers

The whip that a lion-tamer uses is the single most important tool that will assists him in successfully taming the lions. To demonstrate his point clearly to the beasts, he must thrash the lions with his blood-sucking whip whenever they perform an incorrect act. This is the only way that he can communicate with these low-intelligence animals, because lions cannot even understand the most indecent word in the English language. But as for humans, most of us are able to understand the language that the people around us speak. Therefore whipping, caning, strapping, or any kind of corporal punishments are not necessary -- they are reserved for animals only. Not too long ago, teachers at school and parents at home use various forms of corporal punishment on their students and children -- there are also several techniques associated with each of them. But as our society becomes more civilized, these savage acts are now looked upon with disdain and contempt. What used to be considered as corporal punishment is now considered as physical abuse. It should be thought of that way long ago. Physical abuse as penalty surely works. It arouses resentments and bitterness, but it works. If a student does something wrong and gets a whipping for it, he or she will cease doing the same erroneous act again. Though it will not change the way he or she thinks, but it WILL work. The student will not understand why he or she should not behave in that particular manner, and will continue to think that he or she is right, but physical abuse can stop them from doing it again -- it definitely works. But in long-term, some people are inclined to rebel against the authority who impose corporal punishments on them. Once they can overpower the authority, they will challenge their masters. Others, like Duddy Kravitz, they get used to their punishments and cannot care less for them. Duddy gets strapped so often that he virtually asks Mr. MacPherson for it. "So when he led Duddy Kravitz into the Medical Room that afternoon, breaking with a practice of twenty years, the actual blows were f eeble, and it was Duddy who emerged triumphant, racing outside to greet his classmates." Duddy also excitedly announced to his peers: "Hey, look! Look, jerkos! Ten on each. Mac strapped me. Mac, of all people." Obviously, Duddy is no longer intimidated by strapping. Corporal Punishment :: essays research papers The whip that a lion-tamer uses is the single most important tool that will assists him in successfully taming the lions. To demonstrate his point clearly to the beasts, he must thrash the lions with his blood-sucking whip whenever they perform an incorrect act. This is the only way that he can communicate with these low-intelligence animals, because lions cannot even understand the most indecent word in the English language. But as for humans, most of us are able to understand the language that the people around us speak. Therefore whipping, caning, strapping, or any kind of corporal punishments are not necessary -- they are reserved for animals only. Not too long ago, teachers at school and parents at home use various forms of corporal punishment on their students and children -- there are also several techniques associated with each of them. But as our society becomes more civilized, these savage acts are now looked upon with disdain and contempt. What used to be considered as corporal punishment is now considered as physical abuse. It should be thought of that way long ago. Physical abuse as penalty surely works. It arouses resentments and bitterness, but it works. If a student does something wrong and gets a whipping for it, he or she will cease doing the same erroneous act again. Though it will not change the way he or she thinks, but it WILL work. The student will not understand why he or she should not behave in that particular manner, and will continue to think that he or she is right, but physical abuse can stop them from doing it again -- it definitely works. But in long-term, some people are inclined to rebel against the authority who impose corporal punishments on them. Once they can overpower the authority, they will challenge their masters. Others, like Duddy Kravitz, they get used to their punishments and cannot care less for them. Duddy gets strapped so often that he virtually asks Mr. MacPherson for it. "So when he led Duddy Kravitz into the Medical Room that afternoon, breaking with a practice of twenty years, the actual blows were f eeble, and it was Duddy who emerged triumphant, racing outside to greet his classmates." Duddy also excitedly announced to his peers: "Hey, look! Look, jerkos! Ten on each. Mac strapped me. Mac, of all people." Obviously, Duddy is no longer intimidated by strapping.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Behaviors human

Behavior refers to an individual’s actions or reaction to a stimulus, which may be tangible (object, organism, etc. ) or intangible (thought, sound, smell, etc. ). There are various kinds of behaviors exhibited by human beings. Some are good and acceptable, while others are negative behaviors which could be a result of annoyance, irritability, exasperation and bothersome to a lot of people. The differences in behavior could be attributed to the influence of several factors such as culture, attitudes, values, ethics, and even genetics (Behavior, 2008).Nevertheless, people judge individual’s behavior based on their understanding, culture, norms, and other people’s influence on them. Each and every person has his or her own distinctive behaviors that can irritate, bother, and annoy other people. These types of behaviors can be seen and observed everywhere, such as in school, workplace, shopping malls, and other public places, and even at home. Thus, these unacceptab le, annoying, exasperating, and irritating behaviors can be encountered everywhere and are always inevitable to happen.For instance, in school, students exhibit behaviors that could bother and annoy someone, such as students who cheat during exams, copy homework of another classmate, and talk loudly and endlessly during class. Even teachers also display annoying or bothering behaviors. For example, teachers who give a lot of homework or are too strict could be annoying to some students and could extremely bother them. In the workplace, there are also a lot of unavoidable behaviors that one can display and can bother somebody, such as one’s co-workers or superiors.Behaviors such as constant tardiness, chatting, or talking too much during working hours, and gossiping, among others, could bring negative feelings to someone at work. At home, there could be countless behaviors of family members that can irritate another family member. There are parents, for instance, who are very strict and impose too many rules; there are also siblings who love to tease and bother their other siblings. The behaviors displayed by these people could be bothering or irritating for some family members.Finally, there are also annoying and irritating behaviors that can be observed in public places—behaviors that not only annoy, irritate, and bother someone but could also affect the environment and even the whole world negatively. For instance, throwing garbage or trash in improper places such as the street, cutting trees or illegal logging, dynamite fishing, and other reckless behaviors not only bother and annoy many people, but such behaviors also harm the environment. There are still a lot of negative and unacceptable behaviors that exist today and people exhibit all over the world.These behaviors may bring negative feelings to others, and they can sometimes destroy life. Among these bothering and irritating behaviors, some of them may be tolerable, while others can be i gnored. Behaviors that do not totally affect and hurt me as an individual can be ignored such as burping, eating without regard to proper table manners, and disobeying traffic rules. Furthermore, there are also behaviors that are tolerable, such imposing strict but necessary rules and teasing others. I find these behaviors tolerable because they do not hurt me physically, and I have the control whether I will let myself get affected by it or not.Moreover, some of these annoying behaviors can have good consequences, such as the imposing strict rules. On the other hand, there are just some behaviors that I cannot understand and tolerate at all that they make my blood boil every time I encounter them. First are the behaviors that harm the environment such as smoke belching, running factories that transmit chemicals, cigarette smoking, throwing garbage improperly, vandalizing public walls, and engaging in other illegal activities that can hurt the environment and living beings alike.I f ind these behaviors intolerable as it is not only me that may get affected by the effects of such behaviors, but there might be a lot of people in the world who may suffer and pay for such unbearable behaviors. In conclusion, there are a lot of behaviors that one can exhibit. Regardless of what they know, I think people judge behavior according to their beliefs and preferences. People demonstrate behaviors that may be acceptable or unacceptable for others, but what is deemed as acceptable and unacceptable varies from person to person. Reference Behavior. (2008). Answers. com. Retrieved January 30, 2009 from http://w

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Legal and Illegal Immigration in the U.S. Essay

Immigration Immigration in the United States has grown to an all time high. Now when someone hears the word immigration they automatically think of â€Å"illegal† immigrants from Mexico. But it’s people from all countries, legal and illegal. I will give my reasons why the United States should place more restrictions on immigrants. When the two World Trade Center towers where destroyed everyone immediately thought of terrorist’s. Later United States intelligence linked it to Osama Bin Laden. Bin Laden had his people from his army come to the United States and get information on how to carry out his plan. The terrorist’s even trained on U.S. soil to get more knowledge on how U.S. machinery, security, and aviation works. Now those terrorists came to America legally. Most of the immigrants come here illegally. I think that the U.S. should place troops on the Mexican boarder and the Canadian boarder to minimize the number of illegal immigrants entering the country. Now someone may argue that immigrants contribute to the strong U.S. economy by filling jobs, and even paying taxes. And that tighter restriction would compound the economic harm from the terrorist attacks. But the truth is the nation can’t afford to have immigrants in the county when INS cannot track them. Furthermore more the immigrants have taken job opportunities from the native-born Americans, and lowered wages. I’m sure that if the United States doesn’t fix this problem the unemployment rate will grow much higher in our country. I feel that the United States should place much more restrictions on the people coming into the U.S. Legal and illegally. I have already said that many immigrants have taken many job opportunities away form the native born Americans and that the U.S. can’t afford to track them. Now I’m not saying that we should ban people from our country, but our nation needs to screen people much better then the way they are now.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Education of People with Exceptionalities

Education of People with Exceptionalities Organizations are increasingly revolutionizing their management styles to meet the demands of the changing society. One of the concepts that have continued to gain currency is systems thinking. Systems thinking is the â€Å"process of understanding how things, regarded as systems, influence one another within a whole† (Hardman, Drew, Egan, 2012, p. 162). The principle is that each organization is a system of interdependent parts that work in harmony to achieve the desired goals and objectives (Meadows, 2008).Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Education of People with Exceptionalities specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In an organization that comprises people, processes and structures that work in harmony in the whole organization, problems that arise are solved by viewing them as part of the entire system. The functioning of one part of the system can best be understood by looking at it in the context of other p arts (Hardman, Drew, Egan, 2012). The United Methodist Church can be used to illustrate how the concept of systems thinking is applied in church organizations. The United Methodist Church believes that the church as a system, as much as God created the world as a system, with both internal and external components. As an open system, the church draws its members from the external environment, processes them through various training programs, and then releases them back to the environment where they will preach and win more church members for the growth of the church. When new members come from the environment, they are ignorant about the regulations that guide behavior in the church. These people come in after being converted, while others come in out of their own volition. Outreach and evangelistic ministries are responsible for bringing in new members. Once they get to the church, the converts are socialized in the ways of the church. Among the church programs in place include Bib le study, new believers’ classes, intercession groups, baptismal rituals and practices, among others (Hardman, Drew, Egan, 2012). Some are given vocational training as a way of developing them as useful members of the church and the outside word. Conversely, the church relies on the members for revenue in terms of tithes and offerings. These are the funds that are used to maintain the preachers and other church workers. After being equipped with skills and the ability to conform to the ways of the church, the members gain the competence needed to go out and preach to others who get converted and join the church. The cycle of events continues. Some of the converts, upon reaching maturity and with a calling from God, opt to set up other United Methodist Churches in other parts of the world, leading to the expansion of the church.Advertising Looking for report on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More From t he foregoing, it is evident that the United Methodist Church espouses system thinking in its operations. If any part of then system malfunctions, the entire system will grind to a halt (Hardman, Drew, Egan, 2012). If the evangelist component of the system fails to effectively evangelize and bring in more members, the church will fail to grow, and may eventually collapse. If the pastoral or apostolic department fails to teach the new converts to be grounded in the doctrines and practice of the church, the result will be weak church members who cannot be relied upon to evangelize for the growth of the church. The church as a system carries out periodic evaluation exercises to determine the effectiveness of its programs, and take corrective measures where need be. System thinking in the United Methodist Church has been made possible by the kind of structure that has been put in place. The Episcopal polity ensures stability of the entire church. There are sub organs charged with the re sponsibility of managing certain aspects of the church. All these sub-organs work together to achieve efficiency and communication plays an important part in coordinating their activities. The Bishops are in charge of the conferences, but do not operate independently. Components of the United Methodist Church can, therefore, be seen to be highly interdependent. Reference Hardman, M.L., Drew, C.J., Egan, M.W. (2012). Human exceptionality: School, community, and family (11th ed.). Boston: Cengage Learning.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

How To Get More Followers On Pinterest With 21+ Tactics

How To Get More Followers On Pinterest With 21+ Tactics So you want to learn how to  get more followers on Pinterest. That makes sense since a  hefty majority of you told us that you want to grow your audience and  you measure your success through social media follower growth. Luckily for me, we have a Pinterest pro on the team here at . When I asked Nicole  how she gets more followers on Pinterest, this was her very first piece of advice: The general consensus seems to be Pin really great content that you love, and your followers will, too. Thats an awesome place to start. But Nicole wasnt done helping me learn this stuff quite yet, and since were trying to grow our own following on Pinterest here at - and you can now schedule Pins to Pinterest with - I thought Id share her tips and research with all of you, too. Sound good? This is about to get Pinteresting. (I know maybe I should quit the jokes.) How To Get More Followers On #Pinterest With 21+ Tactics That Will Grow Your Following Optimize Your Pinterest Profile To Get More Followers While your Pins are likely some of the first things potential followers see from your brand, Neil Patel notes it's super important to optimize your Pinterest profile to help you get more followers. This is likely due to the halo effect, which is the psychology behind first impressions and physical attractiveness- something super important for the visual audience who loves Pinterest. In its most essential form, the halo effect  suggests that when people have a positive experience with you, they're more likely to expect positive experiences in the future. Whoa! So if you make a good first impression, doesn't it make sense that  you could get more  followers because they'll expect favorable outcomes in the future? So filling out your profile helps potential followers see you're not a fly-by-night Pinner while giving you the chance to share information about your blog, brand, and your other social networks. Use the psychology behind #firstimpressions to get more followers on #Pinterest.While there are a lot of different fields to look into while fleshing out your Pinterest profile, here are the ones that will make a difference for getting more followers. Go to Settings to get started: 1.  Help Potential Followers  Find Your Pins Through Search Engines Start with your Business Account Basics  and slide  the Search privacy button to No.  This way, Pinterest will allow search engines to crawl the content you Pin which could help  you get more visibility in image searches with popular search engines like Google. Help Pinners find your content through search engines by changing your Search privacy setting to No. Recommended Reading: How to Determine Your Marketing Tactics 2.  Complete Your Pinterest Profile To Instantly Boost Your Credibility Then, in the Profile area, fill in your Business Name and Location. Your Picture  could be a professional-looking logo for your business or blog (remember the rule from the halo effect with physical attractiveness). Create a  Username  that will get pulled into your Pinterest URL, so as a business, using your company name probably makes the most sense. Add a brief description of your business and the value you offer potential Pinterest followers in the About you field. Wrap it up with one of the most important  fields: Confirm your Website.  This field helps Pinterest verify your site so you can use Rich Pins to add bonus information for article, movie, place, product, and recipe which get Pinned by more than 2 million people every day. When you confirm your site, Pinterest also shows the verified icon on your profile, which as Neil Patel notes, "may give potential followers more confidence in following you." The Website field is one of the most important things Pinterest uses to verify your site, which will boost your credibility via the halo effect. 3. Connect Your Other Social Networks To Your Pinterest Profile You can also connect your other social networks directly into Pinterest.  Mitt Ray, a Pinterest expert, took to Social Media Examiner to explain that this simple practice can "attract your Facebook and Twitter friends and followers to your Pinterest account." Simply sign  in to your company's Twitter handle. Then slide the Log in button to Yes. You can also connect to Facebook and Google+, but since those accounts are typically associated with a single person and not a business page, your Pinterest followers will be directed to your personal profiles. Connect your social profiles like your company's Twitter handle to your Pinterest account. When you connect your social profiles, you'll get the added bonus of having them appear in your Pinterest profile, which is a great way to offer your Pinterest followers the opportunity to follow you on other networks, too. When you connect your Twitter handle (or Facebook and Google+ profiles), the icon will show up in your Pinterest profile to help you get more followers. Optimize Your Blog And Social Media 4. Keep Pin It And Follow Prompts On Your Blog And Website Nicole  suggests  having  Pin it and follow prompts on your site to help convert the traffic you get into Pinners and followers. For example, Social Media Examiner uses the Pinterest follow prompt on their blog: Social Media Examiner uses the Pinterest follower button to convert blog visitors into Pinterest followers. And when you click on that button, an appealing window opens from Pinterest to help you convert your  visitors into Pinterest followers: This is what your followers will see when you add the Pinterest follow button to your blog. Getting that follow button- and the Pin It button- is easy.  When you're on your home page, click the gear icon and select Make a widget. Navigate to your Pinterest home page, then select the gear icon to make a follow widget. Then, in the popup, click Learn More. Click Learn More in the widget popup. Now you can create Pin It buttons for specific blog posts and also grab  a follow button you can embed in your theme. Create a follow button by entering in your Pinterest URL and embedding the code on your blog. Recommended Reading: Are You Excited? You Can Now Pin To Pinterest With How To Improve Your Visual Marketing On Pinterest And Instagram A Cheat Sheet For Marketing On Pinterest The Ultimate Guide On How To Use Pinterest For Marketing 5. Embed Boards And Pins Into Your Blog Posts This idea is an extension of what you just learned about the Pin It and follow buttons  but relates much more directly to your blog posts. Pinterest now makes it easy to embed Pins and board previews right into your posts to help you get more followers from your blog visitors. Follow the same instructions from the prior step, and embed your Pinterest content like this: You should probably hit that follow button. Come on, you know you want to! ;) When we recently embedded a board like that into a  blog post, we  received a 640% boost in Pinterest followers that week. 6.  Share Your Pinterest Love On Other Social Networks Some of your followers on other social networks may also like to follow you on Pinterest. It is definitely some people's preferred discover tool, as Nicole pointed out to me. And it turns out, Pinterest is smart enough to help you share  your Pins and boards on your other social networks easily. Share your Pins to followers on other networks to encourage them to follow you on Pinterest. You can use that functionality to share your Pins with your Twitter  and Facebook followers to encourage them to follow you on Pinterest, too. Pro Tip: Grab the Pin link  to easily schedule a social message right in  your social media calendar. Participation On Pinterest Is A Conversation Advertising isn't very effective because it talks to your audience, not with your audience. Communication is different than mass marketing because it is a real conversation between people and isn't one-sided.  That's how  Pinners demand participation.  And since that's the case, it's a great lesson to keep in mind as you try to get more  followers on Pinterest. Advertising talks to, communication speaks with. Have a conversation to participate on #Pinterest.7. Repin Often To Introduce Yourself To New Pinners Nicole says: Don't be spammy. Pin at least 50/50 ratio of other content to your own. Treat Pinterest like its own entity, so get creative and CURATE. And that says a lot. Pinterest is an information discovery engine: Like a social site fused  with a search engine. Pinterest feeds  on curation, and Pinners demand conformity to the culture for its participants. Still other Pinterest experts suggest Repinning even more content  by following the Pareto principle of 80% Repins to 20% of your own original Pins. Regardless of your approach, here are the major reasons why Repinning will help you get more followers: You will connect with more people who share similar interests.  Pinners take notice of those who Repin their work often, which can lead to follows. You will build robust boards of curated content to vet your ideas. By Pinning other folks' content to your boards, you can see which boards get the most followers and double down the time you invest into creating  original content to increase your followers even more. You will show potential followers  that you're not just out for #1. A  while ago, Paul Wilson at Pinnable Business built an audience for a new Pinterest account of 6,275 followers by focusing on building  a community.  Curating and Repinning were an undeniable  first step. Takeaway: Define the amount of content  you'll curate and Repin, and  stick to the plan. When you find great content from a Pinner, plan to share their Pins  a few times to build a  connection that could turn into a follow. 8. Follow  Pinners  Who Already Love You As Aaron Lee  explains, "Following 5 to 10 people a day can make a huge difference compared to waiting for people to follow you." That makes sense, especially since you know Pinterest  relies on participation- and especially at first, you might have to make the first move to grow your following. To get started, find Pinners who have shared your content because they already know who you are. Simply search on Pinterest using this query: Then you'll see all the Pins that came from your domain- complete with the Pinners' names. Find Pinners to follow who have already shared your content by using this query: These Pinners would all make for great folks for to follow on Pinterest. Just click through to see those Pinners' profiles and follow them. Nicole says: Make sure that you trust the source you're Pinning from. If it's spammy or not legit, you can be flagged as spam and land in Pinterest jail.  So watch who you follow because spammers are rampant there, and only Repin from trusted sources. So how can you tell if a potential person you'd like to follow isn't that great? Spam accounts might look a little like this where they share the same things over and over: 9.  Find Pinners Who've Already Pinned From Your Blog You can learn a lot from Pinterest Analytics  including: Your own  profile's best-performing Pins and boards. Use that knowledge to share more content that is similar to your top performers. That will increase your Repins and help  you reach new followers. Your existing audience's demographics and interests. Just like before, use that information to help you curate more content that suits their interests and plan original Pins  that they'll love. Your top activity for content shared from your domain. This is where you can find the top Pins from your content and most popular boards those were Pinned to. That means you can use this information to find folks who already love your content so you can engage with them through Repins, comments, and follows. The Activity tab in your Pinterest Analytics is probably the best place to start to find new potential followers. Simply scroll through to find the Pinners who gave you your top Pin impressions, and the boards that were most popular for your content. Pinterest Analytics can help you find popular boards from Pinners who share your content, which can help you find new followers. With that information, you can find the Pinners who created those boards- and those who  follow  them- to start building your community. You can learn a lot from the Pinners who follow the popular boards that share your content. 10. Ask  Your Friends From Other Networks To Become  Pinterest Followers, Too Everyone seems to have their favorite social networks, so why not reach out to your existing friends to see if they'd also like to connect with you on Pinterest? It turns out, Pinterest thought that was a pretty good idea and created a Find Friends feature right in the tool itself. Since you've already connected your other social profiles like Twitter, Facebook, and Google+ into Pinterest, just navigate from your Pinterest profile to the Find Friends page. Navigate to the Find Friends feature from your Pinterest profile. From here, you can follow the people you already know from your other networks. Mitt Ray elaborates on this tactic  on Social Media Examiner, "As you follow people you already have relationships with, they’ll be very likely to follow you back." Use Pinterest's Find Friends feature to follow people who already know, like, and trust you. That will encourage them to follow you on Pinterest. 11. Follow Your Competition's Pinterest Followers When content marketer Matthew Barby decided to start a food blog from absolutely nothing, he wrote about his experience getting his initial followers. One tactic that worked for him  involved researching his top competition and following the boards of his competitors' followers. Matthew walks through those steps: Follow 50–100 of your competition's followers' boards every day for about two weeks. Create several boards every day to rival the ideas your competition shares, adding 2–3 boards a week. Pin great content from your own blog or website to get a solid foundation for those boards. Repin about 10 Pins twice a day to each of your boards. This process, combined with solid content strategy, helped Matthew get an initial 515 Pinterest followers for a very competitive niche. The best part is that you can follow his advice and experience similar results. Pro Tip: If you wanna catch your competition's followers in near real-time so you know they're likely still active on Pinterest, use the query you just learned, but substitute your competitor's domain in it: 12.  Meet New Pinners Through Great Group Boards Here's another Pinterest tip  from Nicole: Get into GREAT group boards, but don't go crazy with Pinning.  When people follow those boards, they see your content, which could influence more shares. You want to find group boards that  have high followers  and  relatively low contributors. When you join a group board, you will instantly have access to more followers- to every Pinner who already follows that group board. Seems like great advice, so how can you find group boards that are right for you to contribute to? Start with PinGroupie. It's a database site dedicated to helping Pinners find group boards. You can sort tons of boards by category, then number of  followers to narrow the group boards to that of your niche that have  a larger following with fewer contributors. PinGroupie will help you find group boards to grow your following on Pinterest. Group boards are especially helpful for getting more followers because when a Pinner chooses  to "Follow all" of the boards from the creator, they also subscribe to receiving Pins from you through that group board. 13. Create Your Own Group Boards To Build A Community With Pinners You Love While existing group boards are a great  way to tap into the leg work someone else has done to grow their Pinterest following, you can start a group board yourself and invite Pinners you already respect to join you. Just create a new board by hitting the + Create a board button, then invite other Pinners to contribute to  your board. Creating a new group board will help you tap into the followers your friends already have. Now, most group boards have ground rules and structure. A good place to start is by building the board out with a following using all of the advice you've learned from this post, define your rules for participation, then invite others to join you once they can see the benefits of Pinning with you are worth it. Here are a few things to consider as you come up with your group board contribution guidelines: What  topics are appropriate to cover in your group board? How many times can a contributor Pin to your group board per day? How will you handle new Pinners who ask  to contribute? Write your guidelines up briefly, then add a note into your board description on how people can contact you to join. Create a new group board on #Pinterest to tap into your friends' followers.14. Host A Contest To  Increase Your Engagement Let's start this off by acknowledging that Pinterest is a bit wary of contests in general because marketers have abused them in the past. To run a successful contest and not end up in "Pinterest Jail" as Nicole calls it, follow their acceptable use policy: If you're thinking of hosting a Pinterest contest, know the rules first. While that sounds like a lot of things that you shouldn't do, that leaves you with a few creative ways that focus on real engagement (which is, after all, what your potential followers  really like anyway): Create a  page on your own website to cover your rules, share how you'll choose the winners, ask for entry, and show off the prizes you'll give away. From there, you can share Pins to your landing page that have those clear guidelines  that are easy to understand. Ask Pinners to Pin  original pictures of them using your products, coming up with their own recipes or formulas with Repins from anywhere, sharing their own stories, and so on. Often, you can ask Pinners to create a new board where they can Pin  all they'd like, then they can simply provide the URL to that board to you via your contest landing page. Judge the winner  through creative interpretation and not through number of Pins, likes, boards, or comments. Note: You can't ask for a follow and consider that an opt-in to the contest. Pinterest elaborates that it's against terms to "Compensate or incentivize Pinners to take actions on Pinterest such as Pinning or following." So you also can't require contest participants to be followers in order to participate if you plan on giving them a prize or giveaway. However,  a contest like this can help you increase your engagement and build a community that will inevitably turn participants into followers. 15. Comment On Pins To Increase Your Reach You can start with Popular Pins, a category that Pinterest creates  with Pins that get a lot of engagement. Find a couple that you have experience with, and comment on them to share your perspective. As Mitt Ray notes, you're looking for more than easy comments like "Nice Pin." Provide your take on the Pin, additional advice it's missing, or takeaways you've learned on that topic. Mitt says that this tactic can help you increase your visibility- and the potential of earning new followers- because you're commenting on the most popular content on Pinterest. Provide your thoughts on Pins. Add in advice that is missing. #Pinterest #marketingWhile that sounds smart, another very targeted way to reach more people is to comment on Pins from those who've already shared your content. Build trust with people who already know who you are by showing them the real personality behind your blog or brand. Here's a reminder on how to find those folks: Check  your Pinterest Analytics domain tab or  search  this query for your domain: 16. Mention Others  When You Share The Love Consider mentions an extension of commenting and Repinning. Mention Pinners to spark a conversation. You can use mentions in  Pin descriptions and in comments, which "can be a great way to attract their attention and get them to follow you." An easy tactic is to ask someone a question via a mention to spark up a conversation. The more interaction, the more likely they'll be to follow you. Mechanics Behind The Scenes 17.  Name Your Boards To Stand Out From The Crowd Remember when you read that Pinterest is a fusion between social and search engines? That applies into the names  and descriptions you use in your boards to help  potential followers find your Pins. Rebekah Radice suggests that Pinterest boards should be direct, descriptive, and  personal to help you get more followers. And a few of the defining elements that make good boards stand out to new followers are solid cover  images, keyword rich names and descriptions, and a niche focus. Make your #Pinterest boards stand out with a brilliant cover image. #marketingLet's explore each of those areas to help you get more followers by optimizing your boards: Choose your cover  images iFabbo, a resource for fashion bloggers, knows a thing or two about catching people's attention. They offer some simple advice for choosing your cover  images to make your boards stand out: Rock a high-quality image. Make it colorful or out of the ordinary to catch the eye. Fit it into the constraints of the board cover itself (222 x 150 pixels is the perfect size). Make sure it represents the topic of the board. You can create an image specifically for your board cover following those guidelines. First, Pin the image you'd like as your cover. Then  go to your Pinterest profile, hit Edit on your board, then on Cover, hit the Change button. You can choose any Pin you'd like as your cover image. Niche focus Your blog likely has a content core: The magical place where you  strategize what you want to say with what your audience wants to know. The process looks a little like this: Use the words your audience uses to describe that niche in your board descriptions. Keyword rich When you defined your target niche, you likely also found several sub-topics that you could cover. Use those topics in your board names to help Pinners find your content. Note: By focusing  each board on one clear topic, you'll make it an easy decision to follow those boards  for Pinners  who are interested in those very niche and specific subjects. 18. Get More Visibility  With The Best Design For Your Original Pins Some kinds of content perform significantly better than others on Pinterest.  So it makes sense, then, to use the experience from others to improve your own Pins: Images without  faces get 23% more Repins than those that have faces. Craziness. Red and orange Pins get two times as many Repins when compared to blue (and other dominant color) Pins. Pins with less distracting backgrounds get more traffic. So stick with simple designs. Longer is better. Design pins that are 735 pixels wide and 2:3 aspect ratio (1,102 pixels tall) to get the most traffic. Nicole explains the art behind designing images and graphics for Pinterest: Make sure you are using vertical collage-type Pins, which perform much better on average than regular verticals because they take up more space on a user's screen.  And always, always, always consider how it looks on mobile. Small and ugly text on photos can end up being totally unreadable on a mobile device.  And a lot  of people are mobile pinning. And, of course, Nicole is right. 75% of Pinterest's users rock Pinterest on their mobile devices. That means if you don't consider mobile in your design, you're neglecting how three-fourths of your followers prefer to experience your content. 19. Use Keywords In Your Pin Descriptions To Help Pinners Find Your Content You've already  found keywords for your blog posts  that you're Pinning. Use those same keywords in your Pin descriptions to help potential followers find your content. Target keywords in your Pin descriptions to help potential followers find your content. Recommended Reading:  An SEO Driven Approach To Content Marketing: The Complete Guide 20. Pin On The Best Days And At The Best Times To Maximize Your Engagement Pinners are more active on certain days and times than others.  When we analyzed 10 studies to find the best times to post on social media, the data told us: Saturdays are definitely the best for Pinning to Pinterest, and specifically from 8–11 p.m. Next up is any day between 2–4 a.m. or 2–4 p.m. Try Pinning on Fridays at 3 p.m. That's the sweeping general answer. You can Pin a lot every day, so what are really the best times when your audience is using Pinterest? After all, you are probably trying to attract new followers that are similar to your existing fans, so sharing at the peak times when they're online could help you get more followers. So grab this Google Analytics custom report  to find the best day  to Pin based on your own audience (the report is also available in your kit that complements this post). When you use the report, you'll see a list of  networks. Click through on Pinterest. Choose Pinterest from the list in your Google Analytics custom report to see the best day when you get traffic from Pinterest. Now you'll see the  list of days  of the week when you typically get the most traffic from Pinterest. These are the days of the week when you get the most traffic from Pinterest. So these are the days when your followers are most active. You can drill in even further to find the specific best time to Pin to Pinterest on any day of the week. This is the best time of day to get traffic from Pinterest specifically for the day of the week you just selected. Or use this second Google Analytics custom report  if you're looking for a bit more general information just on the best time to Pin when you typically get the most traffic- omitting days (this report is also  in your kit). Just like the other report, click through on Pinterest and you'll see the times when you typically get the most traffic. 0 is midnight and 23 is 11 p.m. The Google Analytics custom report shows the times when you get the most traffic from Pinterest. Use this to gauge when your followers are most active and schedule your Pins accordingly. 21. Share More Often To Get More Visibility How many times to Pin a day? It's a good question because if you Pin too little, there really isn't a reason to follow you, while if you Pin too much, you just get annoying. So is there a magical number of times to Pin a day to help you get more Pinterest followers? That was the question I explored recently analyzing 10 different studies  to find a recommended minimum, maximum, and a solid starting point for how often to Pin. Here's what that research uncovered: The pros all disagree. Some say a maximum Pinning frequency is 3 times a day whereas others say 20. Some say a minimum is 5 while others say 10. So I averaged all of those studies' data to find a starting point for an ideal daily Pinning frequency: Pin 9 times a day. After you get started, test sending a few more Pins, then a few less. Use the Google Analytics reports in your kit to understand if your tests had positive impacts on your traffic, then continue doing what works. Pinterest is a high volume sharing community- so error on the side of more engagement than less. Bonus! 22. Schedule  Your Pins Throughout The Day To Keep Your Followers Happy With her more than 1.6 million followers on Pinterest, Kim Vij knows a thing or two about building an audience. She says: It’s probably the quickest ways to lose followers if all you do is pin tons of pins at the same time and focus most on you and your most recent post. Mitt Ray agrees with Kim, saying: Don’t share everything at once: Instead of clouding your followers’ feeds with your pins all at once, time your pins to go out at regular intervals. So, what's the best approach? Use 's new integration to schedule your Pins to Pinterest. Plan Pins for your own content, and use the social curation Chrome extension to add other folks' awesome content into your Pinterest schedule. Schedule your Pins around the peak times when your audience is most active. Use your best day  and best time  Google Analytics dashboards to understand when you typically get the most traffic so you can  schedule your Pins to get noticed. Start by scheduling 9 Pins a day, with at least 5 of those being curated content. Here's an example of what your daily Pin schedule could look like to help you visualize your work: Now You Know How To Get More Followers On Pinterest By this point, you're pretty much a follower-generating machine. You know how to: Optimize your Pinterest profile to draw in those visual-loving Pinners to become your followers. Optimize your blog to turn your traffic into followers and share Pins with all of your social media followers. Share content and participate in the conversation according to the informal rules Pinners demand that you follow. Now go build an audience that'll help you grow your blog.  You've got this!