Monday, September 30, 2019

Burberry Strategy Essay

INTRODUCTION It is important for every business to clearly understand how resources and capabilities affect firm performance. As Grant (2005) defined, resources are the productive assets owned by the firm and capabilities are what the firm can do. In fact, companies that have sustainable competitive advances have been developed and exploited based on their internal resources and capabilities. Furthermore, they have successfully exploited external environment. In this essay, I will explore the topic area of ‘Resources & Capabilities’ with regards to a UK’s fashion group; the prominent designer label, Burberry GRP. In particular, the research will focus on the Strategic Business Unit of Burberry; understanding and explaining how they utilize the resources and competencies to achieve a competitive advantage. In order to do this, this paper will address on theory based from work in the areas of the ‘Resource-Based View’ and ‘Resources and Capabilities’ as well as using theoretical frameworks to give a holistic view of the strategic issues Burberry. After their reform, Burberry recovered rapidly, after the crisis of September, 2008. With 500 stores in over 50 countries, total revenues grew from 27% to  £1,501 million which is more than double its nearest rival, Chanel (with total revenues of  £ 651, 3). Retails revenues reached  £ 962 million and wholesale achieved  £ 441 million (Burberry’s a and Chanel financial report, 2012). As a result, Burberry has substantial surplus resources and is therefore able to withstand and compete in the hypercompetitive fashion market sector. Thus, Burberry achieved brand value up to more than  £ 2, 5 billion in 2012. Gucci, Prada and Chanel gained approximately of  £ 5.8,  £ 4.95, and  £ 4.2 billion respect ively. BODY The Resource-Based View In 1990s, the role of resources and capabilities become known as the basic for firms strategy and the primary source of profitability coalesced has become the resource-based view. Resources and capabilities are an important component of strategy to archive the competitive advantage. According to the  resource based view (RBV), assets and capabilities create value for the firm that leads to a sustainable competitive advantage (Hall, 1993). Burberry, Chanel and Gucci all compete in the same environment, yet Burberry is superior in performance. A Resource-Based View argues that Burberry is distinguished not by the environment, but by their internal resources. Peteraf (1993) adds to this view by arguing resources have to be heterogeneous and not perfectly mobile in order to transform a short run competitive advantage into sustained competitive advantage. Based on Grant’s model, through VRIN frame work, this research will now find out how Burberry use their resources to initiate their organizational capabilities and competences and ultimately achieve their strategic Capability. As displayed in Grant’s model showed above, in order to maintain operations, companies must have tangible, intangible, and human resource. â€Å"Tangible resources are known to be the easiest way to identify and evaluate† (Grant, 2005), however, this author assert that intangible resources contribute to total asset value much more tangible. Also, Hall (1992) mentions, intangible assets like the â€Å"feedstock† of capabilities are essential for a sustainable competitive advantage. They are assets without specific physical forms; such as intellectual property rights, trademarks, copyrights, technical know-how, brand name, reputation and so on. Core Competencies Prahalad & Hamel (1990) move away from the RBV and coined the term ‘Core Competencies’ to distinguish those capabilities fundamental to a firm’s performance and strategy. These are the organizational capabilities that are achieved through the effective deployment of a firm’s resources. Core competencies are distinctive and differentiating competencies that lie at the heart of an organization. This includes not just the products and services a company sells but also ‘soft’ areas of a company’s activities, such as branding, organizational innovation and service† (Hamel and Prahalad, 1994). Frà ©ry (2006) adds to this view and describes core competencies as the basic building blocks for a firm’s corporate strategy. Burberry have two key core competencies in Brand Name and Digital Innovation. Brand Name With a luxury fashion brand such as Burberry, brand name and reputation are extremely important. Burberry has gone through many ups and downs on the path of development and it has many competitors that include: Coach, Polo, Armani, Chanel and Gucci and so on. While Gucci focuses on luxury accessories, Coach concentrate mainly on the production of bags ( as does Chanel) and also produces accessories that range from watches and shoes to scarves and dog collars, and Chanel focus on bags. Armani’s and Polo’s marketing positioning is more focused on clothing. Burberry has succeeded in penetrating both the accessory and luxury goods. Moreover, Burberry’s resources include its high brand equity, its popular trench coat product and its signature check design. It is has a long history serving with the soldiers of World War I and it has been well received by the Royals; once by Queen Elizabeth II and once by Prince Charles. This means that customers now acknowledge them as the supplier of products to the royal family (Instyle, 2012). Referring to Burberry, customers immediately think of a luxury, high quality, and diverse fashion. However, in 1997, the new Burberry management knew that they could not rely on this benefit anymore. They realized that over the years, trends and customers change and become more diverse. From that issue, the new management believed that the problem with Burberry was undermined by a poor image and was now overly dependent on a narrow customer base comprising of middle aged, ‘fashion-conservative’ men (Fletcher, 2003). Their new strategy sought to change the position the brand of Burberry defined by ‘Britishness’, authentic outerwear heritage, historic icons, democratic luxury positioning, innovation and intuition (Burberry’s b annual report, 2011) which was aimed at the younger generation, while still retaining the traditional customer base. Recent advertisement of Burberry has brought all the characteristics of the England, â€Å"from a British landscape with aristocratic looking models to edger advertisement with models in bikinis.† (Jacobson), They also make their mark on pop culture by using iconic British representative, such as model Kate Moss and the up and coming actress Emma Watson. Their use of reputable fashion photographers is also to be noted. Considering these factors, Burberry is targeted towards different segments of the population with one common theme, luxury. With the advantage of the supplier of the royal, all of which attach a strong sense  of ‘Britishness’ with the Burberry’s brand. In November, 2011 Burberry was again included in Interbrand’s Top 100 Global Brands; was awarded the 2010 British Graduate 100 Award for ‘Where Fashion Graduates Want to Work’; and was recognized as the 13th most innovative company in the world by Fast Company magazine, as well as receiving the Inaugural Innovation Award at the 2010 British Fashion Awards (Burberry’s c annual report, 2011). This means, Burberry has a strong and sustainable competitive advantage that hard to beat. Digital Innovation Competition has always seen as a great source for innovation, while other brands focus on decors the boring store, Burberry opened up a new era of shopping by digital. Its business is driven by: Digital focus and integration (Burberry’s d annual report, 2011). In danger of being consigned to history a decade ago, Burberry has undergone a creative and digital revolution under the direction of chief creative officer Christopher Bailey, who joined the company in 2001. (Clark, 2012). The news follows the launch of the brand’s ‘Runway to Reality’ strategy, which allows VIP consumers to buy items from its runway collections immediately, via an iPad app. Also ‘Burberry Retail Theatre‘ was broadcast the brand’s Spring Summer 2011 women swear show live stream directly into 25 flagship stores worldwide, creating live simultaneous virtual trunk show events on 21 September 2010. Customers in store will explore the collection through iPads where they will be able to buy immediately through a custom-built Burberry app following a private viewing of the show on high definition screens spanning 3Ãâ€"3 meters. Burberry has been developing and testing over several months custom-designed, digitally charged in-store ‘Retail Theatre’ environments with enhanced acoustics and state of the art visual technology, creating the ultimate experience for modern luxury consumers. ‘Burberry Retail Theatre’ is at the heart of our retail growth strategy. This investment in cutting edge technology in partnership with Verizon enables us to more closely connect the Burberry brand with our consumers worldwide. This interactive retail investment will enable long term sustainable growth well beyond these  exciting global digital events.’ (Alexander, 2010) Moreover, the photo sharing website, which give consumers as well as fashion photographers a chance to try on iconic Burberry trench coat by online, allowing consumers to place immediate orders from the collection with a seven-week delivery. Burberry continued its digital democratisation of fashion with its Tweetwalk, partnering with Twitter to post backstage Twitpics of every look before they were sent down the runway, meaning the brand’s Twitter followers saw its runway looks in advance of fashonistas in the front row. During the Tweetwalk the brand’s Instagram account was taken over by Mike Kus, the most-followed Instagram user in the UK (Burberry’s e annual report, 2011). With digital innovation, Burberry has to prove to the fashion industry all over the world that the fashion industry needs to keep with the new shopping generation with lively images rather than images on the magazine and yet the luxury customers now very knowledgeable and they quickly make purchase decisions. Grab their attention in the digital boom trend is also the best way to Burberry became the first brand to appear in the consumer’s mind, rather than a different brand. Sustained Competitive Advantage Here have been many academics that have critiqued the Sustained Competitive Advantage over the years. According to Barney (1991) â€Å"to have sustained competitive advantage when it is implementing a value creating strategy not simultaneously being implemented by any current or potential competitors and when these other firms are unable to duplicate the benefits of this strategy†. Some other authors have suggested that a sustained competitive advantage is simply a competitive advantage that lasts a long period of calendar time (Jacobsen, 1988; Porter, 1985). In relation to Burberry, they have high negotiating powers with suppliers because they can offer unique products with the sophistication, elegance, a sense of pride to customers because they wearing what the Royal family do. Their resource is rare and it is this uniqueness that offers them value with regard to suppliers and customers. Their core competences allowed them to create the exceptional customer value assets that set it apart from its competitors. (Hamel and Prahalad, 1994). CONCLUSION It is important for every business to clearly understand how resources and capabilities affect firm performance. In fact, companies having sustainable competitive advance have been develop and exploit based on their internal resources and capabilities. This paper has illustrated how Burberry has maintained its competitive advantage in the face of exhaustive efforts from its competitors by using its resources and capabilities such as brand name and shopping through digital technology. In fashion industry, a usual strategy is brand name, and Burberry is no exception. This strategy aims to through more coordinated use of brand assets and greater integration of its global organization, Burberry has more opportunity to enhance consumer responsiveness and operate more efficiently and effectively. Furthermore, the company has also expanded its customer base with introduction a new aspect of the brand is defined by ‘Britishness’, authentic outerwear heritage, historic icons, democratic luxury positioning, innovation and intuition (Burberry’s f annual report). As brand name strategy is rather common among fashion, Burberry has attempted to bring in some differentiation to stay ahead. A breakthrough in the transition from conventional shopping to shopping combined with enjoys the overwhelmed digital features and sound. â€Å"Fashion is supposed to be about making things relevant. Yes, it is luxury. Yes, it is aspiration. Yes it is supposed to be inspiring. But I think there is nothing more inspiring than talking digitally because you can get attitude, you can get music, you can get sound, and you can get video and movement. You can actually articulate so much of your brand using this medium,† (Vogue Chanel, 2011). Innovation of digital technology has a breakthrough in the fashion industry in general and in particular luxury fashion and Burberry is leader. It also allows Burberry to create the exceptional customer value assets that set it apart from its competitors (Hamel and Prahalad, 1994). It has created brand awareness, as well as establishes and reinforces a luxury positioning of Burberry. REFERENCES Alexander, E. (2010) [online] Available from: [Accessed 6 December 2012] Barney, J.B. (1991). Firm Resources & Sustained Competitive Advantage. Journal of Management, 17(1). pp 99-120. Burberry’s a annual report (2011) [online] Available from: [Accessed 1 December 2012] Burberry’s b annual report (2011) [online] Available from: [Accessed 3 December 2012] Burberry’s c annual report (2011) [online] Available from: [Accessed 3 December 2012] Burberry’s d annual report (2011) [online] Available from: [Accessed 4 December 2012] Burberry’s e annual report (2011) [online] Available from: [Accessed 4 December 2012] Burberry’s f annual report (2011) [online] Available from: [Accessed 4 December 2012] Channel’s annual report (2011) [online] Available form: [Accessed 1 December 2012] Clark, N. (2012) Burberry boosts digital approach with interactive campaign. Marketingmagazine, 29th May,p. 5. Fletcher, R. (2003), Brava, bravo!, The Sunday Telegraph, 5th October. Grant, R.M. (2005). Contemporary strategy analysis. 5th Edition. Oxford: Blackwell Ldt Hall, R. (1992). The strategic analysis of intangible resources. Strategic Management Journal, Vol 13, (2), pp. 135-144. Hall, R. (1993). A framework linking intangible resources and capabilities to sustainable competitive advantage. Strategic Management Journal. Vol 14 (11), pp. 607-618. Hamel, G & Prahalad, C.K. (1994). Competing for the Future. Harvard University Press : Harvard University Press. Instyle. (2012) Burberry [online] Available from:,,20226013_burberry_20236334,00.html [Accessed 6 December 2012] Jacobsen, R. (1988). The persistence of abnormal returns. Strategic Management Journal, 9. pp. 41-58 Jacobson, L. Burberry case studies. Weblog [online] Available from: [Accessed 6 December 2012 Peteraf, M.A. (1993). The Cornerstones of competitive advantage: A Resource-Based View. Strategic Management Journal, 14(3). pp 179-191. Prahalad, C.K. & Hamel, G. (1990). The Core Competence of the Corporation. Harvard Business Review, 68(3). pp 79-91. Porter, M. (1985). Competitive advantage. New York: Free Press Vogue festival Christopher Bailey (2012) Video. Vogue Chanel [online] Available from: [Accessed 9 December 2012]

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Big Bang theory and the problem of nothingness Essay

The question of why there is something rather than nothing concerns with the creation of things in the universe – we know that all things come from other things, objects are made by humans, tress grow from seeds, etc. If the human mind traces back the roots of all these things, the causes of all these things, it will always come to an idea of a Maker – and for years the idea of the Maker has been held by God. But then, even the idea of a God or a Maker is dubious – who made the Maker? Yet, how can there always have been a something in the first place? Or do we conceive a state of nothingness? That out of nothing comes something, probably the first maker or cause. The problem lies in how something can come out of nothing. A theory to sufficiently answer the question of nothingness must first prove that it indeed start out with nothing. The Big Bang Theory provides a model by which there seems to be nothing, and out of that nothingness came something – the formation of the cosmos and everything we know of. However, if the Big Bang Theory is true, it still does not answer the question of why there is something rather than nothing. The Big Bang Model is the widely accepted theory of the universe’s evolution, with its premise that the universe started out as dense and hot state that has been expanding for about 14 billion years. First of all, the Big Bang Theory starts out with something – a particle, a hot and dense space. At its most basic level it already does not fulfill the requirements of nothingness. There could be nothing in that hot dense space – nothing material that our senses could perceive or our minds can imagine, but the laws of science tell us that all energy is transferred, nothing is lost. Therefore, the energy of the hot dense space is what created other objects in space – the energy simply evolved or transferred. This proves that there is something rather than nothing even in the Big Bang Theory. This seems to be a tautological argument, but consider this – can nothingness expand? If the tenets of Big Bang Theory be considered, the question still arises – does nothingness have properties? Does nothingness have temperature? If the universe came from a hot, dense space, then it is not nothingness because nothingness does not have any properties – nothingness does not exist. Any existence of a supposed property of nothingness defeats its state of nothingness. Therefore, the Big Bang Theory is just a substitute for the idea of a Maker – if we do not believe in God the Creator and subscribe to science instead, Big Bang is a good choice, but it still poses the question: where did the hot, dense space come from? Or at least, where did the heat and density come from? It seems then that the question of nothingness is still not solved.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Sustainable Development For Iraqi Oil And Gas Resources In the Light Dissertation

Sustainable Development For Iraqi Oil And Gas Resources In the Light of International Law - Dissertation Example 1.2. Background of the study Overview of the current situation in the Iraqi oil and gas industry From 1975 to 2003 the Iraq’s oil and gas industry has been entirely state-operated. Blanchard (2009) points out that during this time the infrastructure â€Å"suffered from the negative effects of war, international sanctions, a lack of investment and technology, and, in some cases, mismanagement† (p.1). After the collapse of Saddam’s Regime in 2003, new Iraqi government started to put plans to develop oil and gas industry as the sector critical for the national economy. The Iraqi Constitution states that oil and gas are exclusively owned by the Iraqi people in all regions, implying that the management of these resources is a federal responsibility. Nevertheless, the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) has opposed these and other related statements, interpreting the Federal Oil and Gas Law so that to pursue its own Regional Oil and Gas Law and policies (Al-adhadh 2008 : p.7). KRG claims: â€Å"Under the country’s constitution, oil and gas management is primarily a Regional right, and the main features of this Law are in line with Iraq’s draft oil law. †¦The Law not only affords the Kurdistan Region a clear and transparent legal structure for negotiations with investors; but it also benefits the rest of Iraq as, consistent with the constitution, the law requires the Kurdistan Region to share revenues from oil and gas development with the Federal Government in Baghdad† (Strategic Media n.d.: p.8). Such disagreement between national and regional interpretations of the Iraqi Oil and Gas Law entailed the current situation when, in spite of lengthy debates of economists and... This paper stresses that the need of new legal and policy guidelines for the sustainable development of the country’s petroleum resources is widely recognised among Iraqis, due to ongoing political debates the effective solution has not been found so far. The main reason is significant differences in the understanding of â€Å"the proper role and powers of federal and regional authorities in regulating oil and gas development; the terms and extent of potential foreign participation in the oil and gas sectors; and proposed formulas and mechanisms for equitably sharing oil and gas revenue†. Such differences are especially apparent in disagreements between the Iraq’s national government and the Kurdistan Regional Government. This study intends to answer a number of important questions, critical for the national economics of Iraq in terms of creating conditions for the effective management of Iraqi oil and gas industry in accordance to modern international policies of sustainable development. This report makes a conclusion that it is necessary to keep in mind that, in spite of economic growth is considered to be a powerful means of improvement of human well-being, economic development must be within the limits of what is ecologically sustainable. This is important because environment not only provides the resources for economic activity, but also ensures ecological conditions for life of humans. So, ecology is of the same great importance as economy. This study is focused on the unique current conditions in the Iraqi oil and gas industry and on the prospects for sustainable development in the production and end use of oil and gas in Iraq, with particular reference to Kurdistan region.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Lifecycle of a successful nightclub Research Paper

Lifecycle of a successful nightclub - Research Paper Example Nightclub goers seek fun, refreshment, entertainment, food, and accommodation. A successful club should have the potential to attract new club goers and maintain the patronage of the occasional club goers. As such, the nightclub should situate in a secure location and possess the required club and liquor license. At the same time, the nightclub should possess a unique â€Å"club† mood that makes it stand out from the rest. Most importantly, the employees of the nightclub should be hospitable. Notably, several factors affect the nightclub life cycle and nightclubs go through different development stages to become successful. Indeed, some nightclubs are more popular than others are as seen in the Marquee’s case study where Marquee succeeded where other clubs failed. Hence, there is need to understand the basics of the nightclub business and its lifecycle for enhancing a longer profitable life of a club. Body 1 The personnel of operating a nightclub as seen in the Marqueeà ¢â‚¬â„¢s case study involves managers, security people, bar backs, waiters and waiters, door attendants, bartenders, and a DJ (Elberse et al., 2009). For a nightclub owner to establish a successful nightclub, it is necessary for them to try other forms of entertainment like restaurants to understand the entertainment business (Klebanow, 2007). Indeed, Tepperberg and Strauss were initially event promoters where they established a good customer base that later came to Marquee nightclub. Moreover, there is need for clear bar business concept for the nightclub. Additionally, we should do a market research (Earth Bar, 2013) to derive a clear understanding of the nightclub business (Klebanow, 2007) just as Tepperberg and Strauss spent their time in major hotel, restaurant, or club opening in Vegas. More so, for a successful nightclub we should not be mean in spending (Klebanow, 2007) and should strive to create attractive and appealing environments. As such, there is need for adequate spa ce, amenities, lighting, parking, and other club aspects. Indeed, we can see how Marquee stood on a space that was functional and efficiently laid out to accommodate drinking, entertainment, dancing, and special events (Elberse et al., 2009). Notably, a successful nightclub should cater for different types of people as seen in the case of Marquee, which had three separate spaces for professionals, socialites, filler crowd, and bottle service customers who were mostly celebrities. Indeed, the club has seven different kinds of bars located in the main room, the library, and the Boom box area (, 2013). Notably, to sufficiently carryout these operations, there is need for a well-trained staff (Earth Bar, 2013) to offer hospitable, excellent, and clean services. Indeed, we can see that Marquee had trained staff, which offered exceptional services, which made the nightclub a one-stop shop for hospitality in New York (Elberse et al, 2009). A professional DJ to provide enter tainment and play the right music is also very significant in a nightclub. Marquee had invested heavily on a top class DJ. Most assuredly, any nightclub must offer a wide variety of alcoholic drinks to its different types of customers. Notably, Marquee offered different alcoholic

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Energy Anatomy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Energy Anatomy - Assignment Example This paper illustrates some of the chakra principles and how they affect life, health as well as energy Energy anatomy simply illustrates how human bodies are a large energetic work, which also forms the intersection point for the power, spirit and matter (Myss, 2005). The human body has a combination of several locations, which also serves as the reservoirs for the energy; they are known as chakras. It has been discovered that the only way in which these chakras can be balanced, is when individuals adopt the tendency to love themselves and others unconditionally. This is the most effective source of healing. It is impossible for people to have a physical expression without the help of the chakras which act as an open ‘doorway’ for the flow of the emotional, mental and spiritual forces within the human conscience. The energy that is generated from the mental and emotional structures of an individual is what flows within the chakras. It is later distributed to the tissues and cells of the human body. Energy anatomy has been vital especially to the individuals who have been dependent on the modern medication that is costly. This is because it is a self-healing plan that will make anyone lead a balanced life free from traumas, stress, and spiritual imbalance (Myss, 2005). There is a total of 7 chakra energy centre’s that are vital for the well-being of an individual. In chakra one, the most targeted areas during the exercise are the areas that support the spine, bones, legs, rectum, as well as the immune system. When these areas are balanced an individual will become secure in every surrounding, the self-esteem, confidence and feeling of security is which is good for health. Though regular exercises can lead to varicose veins, back pain in the lower parts as well as rectal tumors Chakra 2 is an energy exercise that

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

World Tourism Organization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

World Tourism Organization - Essay Example The relevance of this Blueprint for New Tourism is very significant in the struggle to boost tourism and recreation, which in effect boosts the jobs and economies of many nations across the globe. Jean-Claude Baumgarten, President of the WTTC, said, "There is now a new consciousness amongst governments that they cannot leave the growth of Travel & Tourism to chance. What is needed is a new vision and strategy involving a partnership between all stakeholders - public and private to turn future challenges into opportunities. The Blueprint for New Tourism spells out how that can be achieved" (Tarsh 2003). "WTTC's latest projection for the industry is that a quarter of a billion people will work in Travel & Tourism worldwide by the end of the decade, with the prospect of sustainable growth in to the future. This projection is supported by WTTC's latest economic research that indicates consistent growth, at 4.6% pa, over the coming decade" (2003). "The strategic importance of Travel & Tourism to our economy can not be underestimated. I am fully supportive of the Blueprint for New Tourism and am delighted to have the opportunity of talking to so many of the industry's top people about how we can respond to the challenge" (Tarsh 2003). Mr. Mr. Correia da Silva's statement is very correct in calling the achievement of such goals a "challenge". The Blueprint is noble and seems efficient, but turning it into a reality from this idea will take a lot more ideas just like this one before anything close to perfection is realized. World Summit on Sustainable Development This is another plan, similar to the blueprint, that is designed to do the same thing, increase tourism, and make sure that tourism is environmentally safe, but profitable. The following comes from the World Summit on Sustainable Development's Plan of Implementation, "Promote sustainable tourism development, including non-consumptive and eco-tourism, taking into account the spirit of the International Year of Eco-tourism 2002, of the United Nations Year for Cultural Heritage in 2002, and of the World Eco-tourism Summit 2002 and its Quebec Declaration, and of the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism as adopted by the World Tourism Organization, in order to increase the benefits from tourism resources for the population in host communities while maintaining the cultural and

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Certifications Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Certifications - Research Paper Example Certify by the International Professional Practice Partnership (IP3), ITCP confirmation is globally perceived as an indication of expert greatness. For IT experts, I.S.P. status furnishes customers and managers with trusted confirmation of an IT proficient learning and specialized foundation. I.S.P. standing has been allowed in Canada since 1989, and is enacted as an automatic assignment in six provinces*, with different territories progressing in the direction of comparable enactment. CIPS was structured in 1958. At the time, people who had an enthusiasm for IT could join CIPS as a Member. This kind of general participation in CIPS is still accessible today and gives various profits. Enrollment in CIPS is a prerequisite to hold CIPS proficient assignments. In the late 1980s, CIPS, alongside numerous other worldwide IT affiliations, perceived the need to build a full grown calling. The CIPS Certification Program was presented in 1988 with the dispatch of the preprofessional Candidate Member and the expert Information Systems Professional (I.S.P.) assignment. As is normal in many callings, there is a sensibly standard and bland course to the expert capability and the Candidate Member is the first step on the way to expert differentiation. Hopeful Members have finished an important training project, however have not yet aggregated the expert experience prerequisites. The benchmark for the I.S.P. is a four-year four year certification in Computer Science in addition to two years of expert experience or equal. This benchmark is identified with the CIPS Body of Knowledge (BOK) which characterizes the base satisfactory expert level of information and skill, joining both expansiveness and profundity. Authority of the BOK grants differing degrees of learning of and competency of the parts of the BOK, gave general dominance is kept up. This

Monday, September 23, 2019

The Role of a Mentor Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Role of a Mentor - Essay Example As the essay stresses the learning opportunities provided by the mentor to the students are immense .In order for mentors to develop and evaluate the quality of the learning environment they need to develop trusting relationships with the students. At the start of the placement they should give the students an orientation pack or welcome pack. This is required by the students for the purpose of gaining information which will help in facilitating the learning and will help the experience of practice placement. A mentor who has developed a good working relationship with a student is in a better position to obtain honest feedback on their placement experience. This paper declares that from the NMC guidelines, the practice areas will be using evaluation results in developing the practice learning opportunities in their respective areas. Student feedback on an individual basis and overall evaluation, guides the mentor in gauging their mentoring performance as well as identifying changes that could be implemented in the practice area for the improvement of the learning experience of the students. The evaluation results will also be reviewed within the learning area. The students are required to conduct a formal evaluation at the end of placement. This will help in providing evidence of the experience the pre and post registration nurse have had in their placement education. An alternative method of evaluation is that of informal feedback. Both these methods provide evidence of both positive areas which as well as highlight the difficult areas and areas which prevented skill generation (Pinfield et al, 2011). The NMC guidelines and standards s tate that the students are required on a formal basis, to evaluate their practice and learning opportunities. This is sometimes done through online survey at time they return to the university however the disadvantage is that the ward/unit may not always get that evaluation feedback. The students are asked to respond to a series of questions associated with the practice

Sunday, September 22, 2019

John Adams Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

John Adams - Essay Example This is evident from the contributions made by Abigail Adams, wife of John Adams. John Adams and Abigail Adams, as a couple, have been researches upon in the past because of their tremendous duo performance in the revolution. Those who may consider John Adams to be more supportive of the American Revolution need to understand that Abigail has also played the similar role as her husband. The relationship between John and Abigail is considered to be very strong because they had similar outlook of life. They both understood the need of democracy in America for which they had to counter monarchy system (Adams). The great relationship between John Adams and Abigail Adams has been well addressed by Jeff Shaara in his book â€Å"Rise to Rebellion". He has summed up the relationship of John Adams and Abigail Adams in a very bright picture. He has mentioned in his book that John Adams and Abigail Adams were sharing same viewpoints. They both thought that slavery was not the future of America n nation. They knew that the American nation had a lot of potential for which they needed their rights to practice (McCullough). It will not be incorrect to mention that the charisma which must have drawn John Adams to Abigail Adams was her strong standing of political ideology. Abigail was a very strong lady who was able to express her views to politicians confidently and with the usage of correct words for delivery of her ideas. John and Abigail were proven to be a very strong team working as a single unit in the shape of marriage. Both of them have been living apart from each other but they were still in contact with each other. It is an evident fact that relationship become vulnerable when they are not able to communicate with each other. The example of John and Abigail relationship should be used for understanding the strength of relationship (Sloan). When John was away from home, Abigail was writing letters to him and other founding fathers of the revolution in order to keep t hem morale high and understand the development marked in the timeline. It is interesting to note here that the reason behind John staying away from his family was due to the role of diplomacy that he had to play in the European region. At the same time, Abigail was involved in communicating with nation to make them powerful and nationalistic about their motives. In this course, Abigail proved herself as a very good mother who nurtured her kids in the best way (Waldstreicher). Abigail Adams has also gone through a number of threats from the courts because of her ideological practices. But she did not feel fearful and rather tackled the situation herself. This was the uniqueness of Abigail that helped both of them to become one of the most desirable couple in American history. Other than their political life, John Adams and Abigail Adams really liked each other. The letters that was shared by both of them showed that they were greatly connected to each other. They had stronger trust o n each other and often considered each other to be the sole reason for their complete life. The separation of eighteen years rather increased their love for each other. This is quite different from the love stories that we witness in the present era. It has often been noted that separation for many years ultimately leads to divorce rates. In the case of John Adams and Abigail Adams, love bloomed since teenage. Among several other qualities that were admired by John in Abigail, her intellect

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Bricks and mortar retail in Australia Essay Example for Free

Bricks and mortar retail in Australia Essay E-commerce has emerged as a new force in retail providing consumers with more choice and convenience than ever before. People can now shop from retailers across the globe in the comfort of their own home. It would be thought that exciting possibilities such as this would be readily adopted and create competition for existing retail methods. This has not been the outcome in Australia however. Although e-commerce continues to climb in adoption rates bricks and mortar retail has not been affected to any great extent. This being said some areas of e-commerce are becoming successful new ventures on the net. Throughout this essay we will look at what e-commerce is, how it is being used and who is using it. It will also be considered whether e-commerce will ever replace bricks and mortar retailers or will e-commerce disappear? E-commerce is a business that is run on the internet rather than from a bricks and mortar location. E-commerce uses computer networks and telecommunications to conduct its business as it has no face to face contact with its customers. It can be argued that e-commerce is a more effective way of doing business. (NOIE, 2000) This is because it does not require all the overheads and staff required in a bricks and mortar business. However E-commerce is more complicated than it may first seem, more is involved than the simple transfer of funds over the internet. For an online business to be a success it must be planned, established and run as if it were a bricks and mortar business. E-commerce ends with the buying and selling of goods and services over the internet. (Mitchell.J, 2000) Marketing of goods and services, formation of customer relationships, presentation of goods and services for consumers to brows, transfer of funds and after sale customer care must all be established and maintained. E-commerce can be conducted in a Business to business (B2B), Business to Government (B2G) or Business to consumer (B2C) way. B2C e-commerce is an area of significant growth. Many Australians are choosing to use the internet to make purchases. A study conducted by NOIE revealed that in 2002 54% of Australians had access to the internet in their home. Although online consumption is not one of the highest ranking activities conducted by Australians on the internet it is an area that is growing. (NOIE, 2000) One specific area of growth is the use of online banking. (DCITA, 2001) Consumers enjoy the convenience of doing their banking from home on the internet rather than traveling to the bank and standing in line waiting to be served. The most popular online shopping category in Australia however is travel and its related services. Consumers enjoy browsing online for the best deal and creating their own holiday packages. Purchasing travel online also cuts out added fees such as the travel agents commission if flight and accommodation are bought directly from the source rather than through a representative. In a study conducted by NOIE it was found that between 2000 and 2003 there was an increase of 452%in online travel purchase. (DCITA, 2001) This is a hugely significant amount. Other high ranking consumption products on the internet included; books, computer software, computer hardware, music and videos, clothing and share trading. (DCITA, 2001) There are a number of reasons why people choose to use e-commerce rather than traditional bricks and mortar. These reasons are the convenience of the internet, the global scope the internet has to offer and the ease of access. In an increasingly fast passed world convenience is increasingly important. E-commerce provides consumers with the convenience of shopping from home at any time of the day or night, this removes opening hours, travel and queuing as well as spending time looking for a specific good or service. Consumers can log on to the internet conduct a search for the product they wish to purchase and then purchase online quickly and efficiently. Time poor people are using the internet more and more to purchase goods and services. In the lead up to Christmas 1999 Australians spent $150 million on gifts online. (NOIE, 2000) Most of these purchases were made by people who did not have the time to shop at bricks and mortar retailers during business hours. This change in access makes it easier for consumers to find the time to shop; it also helps to take the stress out of shopping. E-commerce also provides consumers with access to a global market. Previously consumers had limited channels for obtaining international goods they wish to purchase E-commerce has created ease of access to international goods and services. Never before has it been so easy to purchase from overseas. Due to the global nature of the internet consumers can brows through what retailers have to offer throughout the world, easily make purchases and have the goods they choose posted to them. This has provided consumers with a new scope of choice which is much bigger than anything offered before. Not only does this ease of access globally mean that Australians can purchase goods and services from around the world, it also means that the world can now easily purchase goods from Australia. E-commerce has opened Australia up to potential consumers that did not exist previously purely due to the inability to access the goods and services available. Due to the internets ease of access e-commerce has opened up a whole new world to people with disabilities, specifically disabilities that inhibit a persons ability to move easily to and from shopping areas. (DCITA, 2002) The internet is easy to use in the home environment and offers an alternative to people who find it difficult to shop at bricks and mortar retail outlets. This also offers empowerment to individuals who previously relied on someone else to do their shopping for them or helped them to shop. These people can now have the independence of doing their own shopping online and the enjoyment of browsing through what different retailers have to offer. Although e-commerce is growing and offers many exciting new opportunities to consumers it is unlikely that it will ever totally replace brick and mortar commerce. There are many aspects of traditional bricks and mortar commerce that cannot be replicated online and as a result of this can never fully replace traditional commerce. Some of these areas include the ability to try products, the social aspect of shopping the entertainment value in shopping, the instant gratification of shopping and the inhibiting effects of the internet. Consumers enjoy browsing through goods and services available to them. (ACS, 2001)This can be done online but not to the same extent as it can be taken to in bricks and mortar retailers. On the internet consumers can only look at a picture of the product they intent to purchase. In bricks and mortar retailers however consumers can make use of their sight, hearing, smell and taste as well as feel a product before they purchase it. Due to the limitations of the internet in this stage of the purchase decision making stage there is more space for post purchase dissonance to occur. When people can use all their senses to make a purchase decision the decision is generally more definite. As well as using all five senses to assist in the decision making process consumers also have the chance to try the product they are thinking of buying in the bricks and mortar environment before they actually do. (ACS, 2001) This is generally not feasible over the internet. Some software programs provide a demo for consumers to trial before they make a purchase, bulky products however cannot be trailed in such a way. Bricks and mortar retail has also become a social activity and a form of entertainment. (ACS, 2001) People meet to go shopping and enjoy the contact they have with people while undertaking this activity. This type of social interaction cannot be recreated in e-commerce. While there are other social activities that can be undertaken on the internet e-commerce does not provide a social aspect. Many bricks and mortar centers of commerce have become entertainment hubs that attract tourists from around the world. Bricks and mortar retail also provides an instant gratification to consumers when they make their purchases and can take them with them. This is generally impossible through e-commerce because the goods need to be posted out to the consumer. (ACS, 2001) While e-commerce assisted some people with disabilities to become more independent it has also created new barriers especially for people who are vision impaired. (Noonan, 1999) No technologies have yet been created to allow this group into the online world. This is a problem due to the fact that it limits these peoples opportunities to benefit from the many aspects the internet and e-commerce has to offer. The elderly is another group that has not been included fully in this e-commerce revolution. More training programs need to be designed to bring our older Australians online and teach them what e-commerce has to offer them. Many elderly Australians would find that e-commerce gave them a new independence if they knew how to use it. Throughout this essay we will look at what e-commerce is, how it is being used and who is using it. It will also be considered whether e-commerce will ever replace bricks and mortar retailers or will e-commerce disappear? E-commerce is the online transfer of goods and services to consumers. As stated many Australians have taken to using e-commerce because of the convenience it offers to them, however some people including the elderly and those with disabilities are being left out to some extent. Although e-commerce continues to develop it is highly unlikely that it will ever totally replace bricks and mortar commerce. The experiences that the two offer are so different that they are both used for different reasons. E-commerce is used for convenience where traditional retaile is often used as a social activity and a form of entertainment. E-commerce has not been adopted in Australia as readily as it has been in some other countries, it will however continue to provide consumers with the convenience of home shopping. Many Australians now would not want to go back to traditional commerce and be force to go into a bank to do their banking rather than simply logging on at home. The e-commerce revolution will continue to grow but brick and mortar will also remain. Referances Noonan, T. (1999) Accessible e-commerce in Australia. Retrieved: November 23, 2004, from: http://www. bca. org. au/ecrep. htm Mitchell. J, (2000) The implementation of E-competent Australia 2000 for VET. Retrieved: November 14, 2004, from: http://www. flexiblelearning. net. au/nw2000/talkback/p71. htm The Australian Government Treasury. (2003)The internet and B2C E-commerce. Retrieved: November 14, 2004, from: http://www. ecommerce. treasury. gov. au/bpmreview/content/DiscussionPaper/03_Chapter2. asp

Friday, September 20, 2019

Construction Analysis of The Opera House

Construction Analysis of The Opera House The Opera House was built and is in Sydney, Australia and boasts to be one of the new seven wonders of the world. The Opera House is a world class performing arts center and has become the symbol of Sydney and Australia. A man by the name of Jon Utzon is the man who is responsible for the design of the facility. The facility was built from 1959 to 1973 and was built by more than ten thousand men. Mr. Utzon who was the chief architect of the Opera House in February 1966, resigned after a new Liberal government was elected. The Minister of Works had refused him payments and in 1973 the Opera House was officially open by Queen Elizabeth II of England. The distinctive construction of the roof upon the Opera House is made up of interlocking shells. There are two main halls inside of the Opera house which are arranged side by side, the length of the axes is slightly inclined from each other which generally is running north-south. The auditoria of the Opera house face away from the harbour, and has the stages located between itself, the city and the audience. (Porter, 2014) The Forecourt of the Opera House has a wide-open space for people to ascend the stairs to the podium. These stairway is known as the Monumental Steps, which can be seen leading from the Forecourt to the two main performance venues. The stairway is a great for ceremonial purposes as it is nearly 100 meters wide. The vaulted roof shells that have been placed upon the Opera house as was designed by the architect by the name of Utzon along with other well know engineers, Ove Arup Partners helped come up with the final shape of the shells which were taken from the idea that represented a sphere. Each shell is made up of cast rib segments that are made from a concrete pedestal and rising towards ridged beam. (Porter, 2013) The process of the shells includes a faced in glazed off-white tiles, while the podium itself is made up of clad earth-toned which were reconstructed with granite panels. The glass walls of the Opera house are a special feature of the building as it was constructed with modifications done by Peter Hall who was Utzons successor. Below is some information about the perimeters and dimensions of the Opera House. The building is roughly one-hundred and eighty-five meters in length and one-hundred and twenty meters in width. The highest point that can be found in Opera House is located atop the roof. (Choice Reviews Online, 2007) The point of the roof is sixty-seven meters above sea-level which amounts to the same height of a twenty to twenty-two story building. The roofs of the Opera House are roughly made from two-thousand one-hundr ed and ninety-four pre-cast concrete sections. Each of these sections weigh up to fifteen tons each and are held together by three-hundred kilometer worth of tensioned steel cable. When this cable is laid from end to end, it would be able to stretch all the way to Canberra. (Murray, 2016)ÂÂ   The roof is covered with more than one million tiles where were made by Swedish company HÃ ¶ganas. The building itself has a total of six-thousand two-hundred and twenty-five square meters of glass that covers the building and a total of six-hundred and forty-five kilometers of electric cables that run throughout the entire building. The glass of the Opera House a unique quality to it that most of the glass that is used within Australia because the glass that was used to aid the construction of the Opera House was ordered directly from France. The entire site of the Opera house covers a grand total area space of roughly five hectares. The total area of the Opera House is so vast that if y ou that you could place a total of eight 747 Jet Liners side by side and there would still be space available. Within the Sydney Opera House, the building is divided into a total of; one concert hall, three theatres, a studio as well as a recording studio, a multipurpose room and an outdoor forecourt. (Murray, 2016) The Concert Hall: can seat up to two thousand guests, it features a high vaulted ceiling, it is a white birch timber paneling, which also boasts the worlds largest mechanical tracker-action pipe organ. (Porter, 2013) The Joan Sutherland Theatre: It is a proscenium theatre that can seat up to one thousand five hundred guests in one seating. The Sydney Opera Australia house was known as The Australian Ballet. Until 16 October 2012 it was known as the Opera Theatre. (Porter,2014) The Drama Theatre: is capable of sitting up to five hundred guests, it was used by the Sydney Theatre Company as well as other dance and theatrical presenters. (Porter, 2014) The Playhouse: It is an end-stage theatre with three hundred and ninety-four seats. The Studio: It has flexible space with two hundred and eighty permanent seats (some of the seats is adjustable) and a maximum capacity of four hundred guests, depending on how the room is organized Utzon Room: It is a small multi-purpose venue that hosts many events such as parties or a cooperate function. (Porter, 2014) The Recording Studio: It small area that is allocated for those who would like to compose music There is also the Outdoor Forecourt: it is a flexible open-air venue that has a wide range of rearrangement options, it also does use the monumental stairs for sitting if need be. There are also other areas at the Opera House, there is the Northern and Western foyers, both are used for performances as well as other occasions. (Murray, 2016) The largest of the seven venues in the Opera House is the concert hall which seats up two thousand six hundred and seventy-nine people at a time. The smallest room inside the Opera House is the Utzon room, which seats up to two hundred and ten people while The Concert Halls seats up to two thousand people and boasts the Grand Organ, which is the largest mechanical version of this instrument in the world which has ten thousand one hundred and fifty-four pipes which took ten years to build. (Choice reviews online, 2007) An interesting fact about The Opera House is that is has a total of a thousand separate rooms with more than fifteen thousand light bulbs, hosts more than three thousand events annually has accommodates more than two hundred thousand tourists each year. Though the finally product looks amazing, there was a lot of hard work, time and money that was put in to making the Sydney Opera House what it is today. Here is a break down what it cost, the time that was spent to construct. (Murray, 2016) The total cost, just for the construction alone was $102M AUD which was funded mostly by Australian Government. There was also a point during the construction that the government refused to continue funding the construction but was protested by many to finish the construction. The total time it took to construct the building was from 1959 to 1973 which is a total of 4 years with more than two hundred thousand workers that worked on the building the Opera House each year (Porter, 2014). As you can see, the Sydney Opera House would stand atop as one of the wonders of the world. Its unique design and distinctiveness is what makes it stand out from the any of the other wonders in the world. It was built upon many people, and it took a lot of time as well as money to construct the Sydney Opera House. It is visited by more than a million tourists each year and is hosts over three thousand events each year. References Building a Masterpiece: The Sydney Opera House. Choice Reviews Online 44.09 (2007): n. pag. Opera House Facts. Sydney Opera House. Web Agency, D. T. (2016, October 04). Sydney Opera House. Retrieved March 24, 2017, from Celebrating the history of the Sydney Opera House. (2013, October 22). Retrieved March 24, 2017, from Concert Hall. (n.d.). Retrieved March 23, 2017, from Murray, L. (2016, December 13). Sydney Opera House. Retrieved March 24, 2017, from Porter, L. (2016, February 04). Sydney Opera House: 40 fascinating facts. Retrieved March 23, 2017, from Porter, Lizzie. Sydney Opera House. The Telegraph. The Telegraph, 24 Oct. 2013. Web. 9 Feb. 2017. Sydney Opera House. (n.d.). Retrieved February 09, 2017, from

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Genghis Khan and the making of the Modern World Essays -- Civilization

When the word â€Å"Mongol† is said I automatically think negative thoughts about uncultured, barbaric people who are horribly cruel and violent. That is only because I have only heard the word used to describe such a person. I have never really registered any initial information I have been taught about the subject pass the point of needing and having to know it. I felt quite incompetent on the subject and once I was given an assignment on the book, Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern Age, I was very perplexed for two reasons. One I have to read an outside book for a class that already requires a substantial amount of time reading the text, and secondly I have to write a research paper in History. I got over it and read the book, which surprisingly enough interested me a great deal and allow me to see the Moguls for more than just a barbaric group of Neanderthals, but rather a group of purpose driven warriors with a common goal of unity and progression. Jack Weatherford ’s work has given me insight on and swayed my opinion of the Mongols. Jack Weatherford showed great enthusiasm and passion while depicting Genghis Khan as a great leader, who was responsible for the unity of people and various other accomplishments. He had a very positive attitude toward the subject, although he didn’t set out to write a book about him, but rather on about the history of world commerce. In the process of researching the Silk Road he traveled to Mongolia and gain vital first hand information into the vast accomplishments of Genghis Khan and the Mongols (xxx). He seems upset about previous ideas that many may have believed that highlight his beloved Mongols in anything but a positive and respectful light. He also expresses feelings about later Mon... ...ed Chinese culture then and still does now. The Mongol Global Awakening caused new technological advancement, such as carpenters using general adze less and adapted more specialized tools. There were new crops developed as well (235). The Mongol preeminence was destroyed as a result of the Black Plague. The Mongols have influenced many of the concept and idea that we still see utilized today in politics and international relations. Jack Weatherford tremendously changed my insight into the true Mongol and not the barbaric, savage I once thought of just by hearing the word. I resent this research paper a great deal, and I know that I may not get the grade I want, but at least I did learn something new and destroyed the previous thought I had about these people just by completing it so I feel it served its purpose and that’s the only reason my mind was changed.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Sarah Grimke and Frederick Douglass :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   When I mention the names Sarah Grimke and Frederick Douglass what comes to mind? Abolitionists? Equal rights activists? Of course, these two individuals are making great strives to fight for what they believe in. The sad thing about it is that we don’t have enough people with the likes of these two. England abolished slavery in 1834 so how long will we go on with this inhumane cruelty toward people. Our country is in a state of denial and if we don’t wake up soon, we will all pay the price. I’m going to discuss a little bit about these two abolitionist speakers, than compare and contrast their roles of rhetoric, morality, ideas, and backgrounds. They are Sarah Grimke and Frederick Douglass. Sarah was born in 1792 and Frederick was born in 1818. These two individuals are very devoted to abolishing slavery and finding true equal rights but ironically, other than their gender and race difference, they both come from unique backgrounds. Sarah was white and born into a large wealthy family. Her father owned a plantation with slaves and Sarah grew to hate the abuse that the slaves had to endure. She was deeply religious and felt that slavery was against her moral beliefs. She speaks a lot from the bible and believes that men and women were created equal. After the death of her father she moved out of South Carolina and moved up North to pursue a role as an abolitionist and women’s rights activist. Now on the other had Frederick was born into slavery. He was living in Maryland, born to a white man unknown to him and his mother was also a slave. Frederick pursued how to read and write while being a slave but found that it was an uphill battle, because no slaves were permitted to be educated. Frederick persevered and learned to read and write but prior to his escape up North his moral was very low because being educated as a slave he states, â€Å"It had given me a view of my wretched condition, without the remedy. It opened my eyes to the horrible pit, but to no ladder upon which to get out†(Narrative of the Life of F.D. Pg 1073 col.2). Can you imagine this; a slave that can now read and write all of a sudden wishes the opposite? It’s tough to stomach the grief that he must have felt during that time.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Canterbury Tales Essay - Sexuality in The Wife of Bath and the Pardoner

Sexuality in The Wife of Bath and the Pardoner In Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales, an eclectic mix of people gathers together at Tabard Inn to begin a pilgrimage to Canterbury. In the General Prologue, the readers are introduced to each of these characters. Among the pilgrims are the provocative Wife of Bath and the meek Pardoner. These two characters both demonstrate sexuality, in very different ways. Chaucer uses the Wife and the Pardoner to examine sexuality in the medieval period. The Middle Ages were a time of expanding and experimenting sexually for the people. Religious figures who had taken vows of celibacy had children, sometimes with more than one woman. Even some popes of the time had illicit affairs. However, adultery was often condoned, especially in knights, because the Chivalry Code expected of them certain â€Å"actions†: An act of infidelity was no disgrace, always provided that one preserved the form of polite society†¦Any knight who contented himself with wedding a virgin before himself having grown practiced in adultery and carried off several trophies of the chase was unworthy of his spurs. Adultery was a social diversion for the upper classes. A knight had to have a lady whom he worshiped†¦Church and state tolerated the adulterous relationship†¦It was the thing to choose a celestial patroness†¦(1) At the same time, women were repressed in their sexual feelings and were subject to their husband’s demands. If an unmarried woman had sexual relations, she would be dishonored, thrown into exile or even killed. Horrible experiments sought often to find ways of getting rid of any pleasure women would experience during intercourse. People in the Middle Ages had two distinct views on sexuality at that... ...though he was condemned by his sexuality. Chaucer used controversies to create character. He wanted his characters to teach the readers something new about life. The Wife of Bath and the Pardoner demonstrate Chaucer’s way of creating characters based on the sexuality of the medieval period. WORKS CITED (1)Life in the Middle Ages: Appearance vs. Reality. English Department: St. John’s College High School. (2) Geoffrey Chaucer. The Canterbury Tales edited by M.H. Abrams. The Norton Anthology of English Literature. (New York: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 2001). All future references will come from this text. (3) Taken from notes in lectures by Dr. Raymond Nighan. (4) Monica E. McAlpine. The Pardoner’s Homosexuality and How It Matters. (5) E. McAlpine. (6) E. McAlpine.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Poem Red to You vs Reading a Poem Essay

I believe that having a poem read to me is more powerful then reading a poem off of a page. When I close my eyes I can see the words that the reader is speaking, instead of trying to understand what the author is attempting to write to me; so it is easier for me to understand what the author is communicating without decoding the words. When I close my eyes as someone is reading, the reader paints a picture in my head of what the author has written and I can also see the words that are being spoken. The poem being read out loud helps me to get a better understanding of what the author was trying to say without reading between the lines. Having the poem read to me also helps me find different authors that I might not have looked at before or even heard of . So it gives me a bigger variety of the authors I might enjoy reading and an opportunity to ask any questions about what is being read. When I read a poem straight off a page I don’t not know what words to say strongly, it is like I’m reading a really boring article in the news paper or reading a story with no expression. For my logic to work I must assume the person reading to me knows the poem and knows the words to emphasize. Therefor having a poem read to me is more powerful then reading a poem off of a page because I get a better understanding of what is said, I can ask questions. Especially if the reader uses the proper emphasis on key words.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Analyse an Advert and Prequel to it in Depth Essay

Advertising is one of the world’s foremost businesses. Companies use this media to communicate their ideas, products and messages to the general public. This is one type of advert, which is used to draw people to donate to a cause. It is called an appeal. This appeal is from Help The Aged, a fairly large charity, dedicated to helping the older and less able people. This particular advert is for the SeniorLink pendant, a small telephone pendant that helps people when they get into trouble where they can’t reach the phone, because they are immobilised. I will analyse this form of the appeal and elaborate the techniques and tricks used to convince people to part with their money. This form of the appeal is a leaflet. Leaflets can be specially designed to appeal to a particular audience or aspect of society; this leaflet is aimed at anyone who has money. The purpose of it is to convince these people that their product is: reliable; fast acting; state-of-the-art; easy-to-use and most of all, lifesaving. If it succeeds than Help The Aged will get their reward of a donation that, in theory, should then be spent on the pensioners. The advert uses several conventions to convey their tricks and tactics to the target audience. I will elaborate these as I examine the advert. On the first part of the leaflet (The ‘Front’) we see Vera alive and well, along with a caption to the picture that, arguably, could be seen as the title to the leaflet. The photograph of Vera depicts her as smiling, cheerful and in good health. From this, empathy is drawn from the audience, giving the advert a good note from which to begin with. It can also be seen as a pointer to what the outcome of the event is, in a similar way to the introduction to Romeo and Juliet. The caption or ‘title’ of the leaflet is in large, white, bold, capitalised text, which is mapped on a black background. This is to make the text stand out considerably, as there is no bigger contrast than black and white. At the end of the text is an ellipsis. This adds to the beckoning feel of the text that makes the audience want to read on. The second part of the advert or â€Å"Middle of the leaflet† is a transcript of the conversation between Lyn, a SeniorLink operator, and Vera Smith, an old woman in distress. The sheet is in four parts: A quotation, used as a title An introduction to the transcript The telephone conversation, recorded as a transcript And an epilogue to the piece. The quotation to the page is in a similar style to the original caption, in the first part. It shares the same bold, white on black style, however it is not all in capitals. This is because it is a quotation from Vera, presumably from after her ordeal. This is to show again that she recovered and that she owes her life to the SeniorLink pendant. Next is an introduction to the transcript. It starts with an introductory sentence that uses simple adjectives and sentence structure to describe the characters. Next comes the setting of the scene, where Vera’s predicament takes shape. One sentence is underlined, this sentence: ‘To her horror†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ is highlighted to make it stand out more, as it is shocking and important. The intro ends with another ellipsis, opening the way for the transcript. Just before the transcript is a picture of both Lyn and Vera, depicted as happy, this is showing: how good the receiving staff is and how pleased Vera is to be alive. The transcript itself is 16 lines long, combining playscript style speech and bold typed event explanations. The playscript reads like normal speech, Vera pauses and the text is punctuated appropriately, â€Å"Please†¦ Help me!† The language is different for Vera and Lyn, Vera sounds helpless and afraid, while Lyn sounds calm and efficient. At three intervals the scripting cuts into a short explanatory line, distinguished by its bold enhancement. These explain what is happening, like directors notes. We are expected to give the appeal some trust and believe that the conversation really happened. Finally there is an epilogue where, using reassuring text, they bring this ordeal to an end. They finish this section by emphasising that the SeniorLink saves lives. The final part of the advert, the back, is the possibly the most important. It is the advert in full, the appeal or the explanation section. It is nine paragraphs that encompass all of the emotion, drawn from before and add to it, then channel it into giving a donation. The title of the piece is large, bold and eye-catching. It is presumably a joke to suggest that she could, ‘hear voices’ as some old people develop insanity. Otherwise the comment that she is alive because she could hear voices is a stupid one and not thought out. The first paragraph is an assurance that Vera made a full recovery, thanks to the SeniorLink system. This is to put worried minds at rest. Then in clear bold text it says: â€Å"But many other elderly people aren’t so lucky†, This shows that next the appeal will give information, possibly facts on old people that didn’t make it through their ordeals. Paragraph 2 is apparently a factual one, where they give you shocking statistics on how many people don’t survive each week. This is supposed to appeal to your human nature and lull you into wanting to help decrease this statistic. Next comes another single line of text that prepares you for upcoming information. It is underlined and utilises an emphasising adverb, which is describing an adjective, ‘tragic’. This is used to change it from being tragic to really tragic, emphasis. The next two paragraphs are two cases, which are utilised to shock you further, and again to appeal to your ‘Human side’. The fifth paragraph is in bold text and is designed to be reliving after the heavy emotion carrying paragraphs. It is positive and righteous. It opens with a statement of good, â€Å"Yet tragedy can be avoided† This is showing the gold horizon, while saying that our cause is the most important cause. Then in the second sentence it uses the mysterious inference again: ‘Hearing Voices’ In the sixth paragraph the appeal itself surfaces and they make their quick request for money, while surrounding it with ideas of stopping unnecessary deaths and the strange ‘voice’ inference again. The donation request itself is only five words long, out of the whole advert. It is short and enveloped to try to mask their intentions, while making it stand out in your mind. Also in this paragraph two words are underlined to add emphasis on their aims. The next paragraph is a short direct paragraph and adds a little more emphasis on the pendant itself. Paragraph eight is the technical element, it explains exactly what the pendant is, wrapped in technical terms to show that this is cutting edge technology and is really effective. The text ends with a warm climax ands shows one last time that the pendant is an amazing thing. The logo of Help The Aged is a rising sun, symbolising that there is dawning hope and always a light for old people. In conclusion, the advert uses most of the persuasive techniques in the handbook, from simple adjectives and bold text to psychological hints and shocking ‘facts’. However I would say that the advert has been worked at: psychologically wise, everything is in the right place, and the things that should stand out do stand out. At every step of the way they have used persuasive writing, showing that: Vera survived because of the pendant, The pendant is efficient and will always work, Pensioners without a pendant die frequently, Preventing the deaths is easy: donate money. On a personal level I wasn’t convinced, I saw the IT tricks and psychological hints as insults, and saw right through them. Perhaps I’m wrong, and I just am not human enough to see that they really are doing good in the world. But, most people would or should give money as it is fairly well thought through and has pretty shocking facts, if they’re true. I have learned that advertising is a crooked business and has many ways of persuasion. It does take a lot of thought.

Child Labor: negative impacts on the society Essay

The International Labor Organization (ILO) estimates there are about 12 million children engaged at work in India. This is an alarming statistic. Thesis – Not only is child labor, a violation of law to the rights of children, it is also Potentially damaging the education. Reflection on the economy. Causing health issues. Body Paragraph 1: child labor is detriment to education. Lack of education in childhood causes future unemployment. â€Å"Child labor is a hazard to a child’s mental physical, social, educational, emotional and spiritual development† (Virk, 2013). Adulthood unemployment. Declined literacy rate. Body Paragraph 2: socio-Economics problem. Futures of the economic countries very much depend on this valuable asset. â€Å"Child labor is a product of economic necessity and economic distress† (Virk, 2013). Poverty forces parents to send their children to work. Body Paragraph 3: Introduction of health problems. Existence of significant health effect. â€Å"If families are insufficiently aware of the hazards, health, or if prevailing societal attitudes are tolerant of child labor, children are again less likely to be directed towards classroom rather than the workplace† (Virk, 2012). Experiences greater morbidity and mortality. Also impacts the psychological hazards, like isolation, abuse, exploitation. Conclusion: Child labor has extremely issues. Detriment to the Education of Children. Negative impact on Economy of the developing countries. Poverty related health problems. References Virk, S. k. (2013). Child labour in India: A Socio-Economic problem; legal remedies and solution. AJRSH, 3(5), 56-63. Retrieved May 2, 2013, from the Journal of Asian Research Consortium database. world report on child labour (pp. 11-26). (2013). child labour and economic vulnerability. geneva: international labour office.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Structure of the continuous improvement Essay

Matrix organization structure is a hybrid divisional and functional structure. As this company is starting to grow, using this structure will help it develop and manage well. The matrix structure allows for the benefits of functional and divisional structures to exist in one organization. The matrix organizational structure divides authority both by functional area and by project. In a matrix structure, each employee answers to two immediate supervisors: a functional supervisor and a project supervisor which is very needed in this company. Communication is very important for new structure, as clear guidance and information are need between management and employees. The matrix structure has several advantages such as resource coordination, which allows supervisors to focus on their areas of expertise. Functional supervisors focus on hiring, training and managing employees in their field, while project supervisors can focus on achieving the goals of their specific projects or products. Employees will be more specialization as they are placed in functional areas allows them to specialize in a particular field. Instead of being good at variety of tasks, specialized employees can excel at tasks in their field of focus. Matrix structure also allows employee is to develop wider set of skills by working in team with other department member in a project team. Employees have constant contact with members of different functional areas, the matrix structure allows for information and resources to travel more fluidly between those functional areas. The collaboration between functional areas allows projects team to better handle complex challenges and objectives which one the weakness of old structure make them delay delivery causing them to lose major clients. Also this allows for human resources to be shared flexibly across different projects or products. Functional areas maintain a stock of talented employees to meet projects requirements. his organizational structure can help improve the company structure and weakness so that the mistakes made in the past cannot repeat again by employee and continue to improve business and expanded across Australia. As in the detail says that lot of mistakes happen such as missing major accountant with engineering spare parts supplier due to the lack of support that the current IT system could offer in tracking deliveries, also employee are nervous as the impact that losing the major client have on business, which shows lack confidents and professionalism. There have been many formal complaints made to management on the lack of information that is being discussed with them and that they do not feel valued anymore. There is a site manager in each state and they hold a phone conference meeting each month, but the meetings with site department manager and their teams do not occur regularly. First IT system need to improved and handle by experts as it’s very important to keep records and track of business clients. It will also help to see weak areas and improve them. Also help them save the delivery time. The human resource need to provide training to the employees so they can know the work well and feel confident on what they are doing. They need to know how to handle clients and work like professional. This will help them to provide good service to the clients and make company image good in the eyes of clients. The communication is very important in the organization so because of the lack of communication between the information flow between the employees and management has been effective which cause work problems and misunderstandings. So the communication between the employee and management need to be improved. Another problem is meeting, the meeting needs to take place once a week, and meeting is good way to discussed ideas and share problem. It is also good way to improve the relationship. The management should encourage employees to voice their opinion and support them to be more creative. The organization should handle complaint from client sincerely because this can help to organization to improve their service and this also improves the relationship between company and clients. Effective mentoring and coaching process The basic communication skill of a mentor or coach is not only a certain level of verbal communication skill but as well as the non-verbal  communication skill. The difference between coaching and mentoring are that, the purpose of coaching is to improve the individual’s performance on the job, which involves either enhancing current skills or acquiring new skills on areas in which the employee is in need of coaching but only for a short period of time, maybe even just a few sessions. The coaching lasts for as long as is needed, depending on the purpose of the coaching relationship, and once the coachee successfully acquires the skills, the coach is no longer needed. However, the purpose is to develop the individual not only for the current job, but as well as for the future job. It seeks to provide a safe environment where the mentoree shares whatever issues affect his or her professional and personal success, though specific learning goals or competencies may be used as a basis for creating the relationship, it’s focus goes beyond these areas to include things, such as work and life balance, self-confidence, self-perception, and how the personal influences the professional. However, this distinction differentiates the role of the immediate manager and that of the mentor, and reduces the possibility of creating conflict between the employee’s manager and the mentor. The coach or mentor is a facilitator, not an instructor. They support and challenge the employees to lean and to develop. The employees learn by acquiring new awareness, insight, skills, idea and knowledge. Development involves integrating their learning into the way they are. It is more important that a facilitator asks good questions than that they have ‘right’ answers. Good questions provoke new perspectives and change in the employees. The effective coach or mentor reviews the learning relationship and the learning process, and does not take those for granted, and finds learning methods that suit the employee. They need to help the employees to clarify how they learn best, and how to make coaching or mentoring work for them. Moreover, effective coach or mentor needs to understand the importance of what happens to the employees between each time they coach or mentoring them. Company strategy In the following case study, it has stated that there is a problem with the  outdated system that they have been implementing throughout the last few months. Systems that relates to management of the company and its groups has been not updated for a long time hence the result in formal policies and procedures not working as planned and not being that effective. As a result, there is a huge decrease in the performance from the employees such as late delivery and delay on products that should have been mailed to the customers. In order to ensure that all systems and processes that are used to monitor operational progress and customer service and see what ways we can use to identify the ways in which planning and operation can be improved, we as a Continuous Improvement Manager who has been hired by the Fast Forwarding company should create a company strategy that can improve the bad situation that has been occurring in the company. First of all, we can suggest that the company can use the KPI indicator system which can be very helpful to identify each and every person in the office and how they are performing. Recording each and every action and converting the performance of how well they are doing, the company can understand what the weakness of the employees and the workers are as well be able to identify the needs and requirements that they have to complete to reach the indicated priority that they want to be in. The indicators also tell the company how well they are doing and also measure the overall performance of the business itself. By applying Key Performance Indicator as a company strategy, they will be able to update every members of the company about the objective and therefore find and solve the weakness that has been affecting the performance of the company. Second of all, the use of SWOT analysis can help indicate and scan the company’s strength, weakness, opportunity and threat. If the company uses the analysis to effectively figure out the weakness and threats of the company itself, they might be able to see what problem is occurring and how much effect it has on the business performance and sales. After they find out what the weaknesses are and what threats might be there that has been creating a barrier from any improvements in their business. They can  implement different alternatives and solution to minimize the problems or completely wipe it out. Apart from the above use of the systems and analysis, there must be a custom of creating a daily check and updates on the system so that it doesn’t get outdated and create a big problem later on for the future. Since it affected formal policies and procedures as well as the whole system that the company is using for the business, the employees are unable to keep up with current system and therefore they lack enough information to be able to hold their performance in a stable way. Other alternatives to be able to improve the company’s problem, the organization can use the Management information system which provides information that the organizations require to manage themselves efficiently and effectively. Since the IT system of the company Fast Forwarding has been outdated for a long time and haven’t been reviewed by any of the company’s men, we suggest that they apply the MIS to be able to update any information that they have crucial need in. It provides a fixed schedules and reports regularly which can provide vital updates to the company when they need it. The MIS also contain systems such as Decision Support System (DSS), Executive Information System (EIS), Office Automation System (OAS), School Information Management Systems (SIMS) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). 1. Decision Support System (DSS): It’s a system that helps in the decision making for the middle and higher management to complete information from a wide range of sources to support in problem solving and decision making. It mostly helps in structured and unstructured problems. 2. Executive Information System (EIS): This is a system that concludes all the information that has been provided by all the departments and organizations so that they are able to summarize them with ease and convenience through proper order. 3. Office Automation System (OAS): The system supports the communication and  productivity in the enterprise by automatically sending all the information and work flows for each of the employees easily. This helps in an efficient way to spread all the working information to everyone in the workplace at the same time and as fast as possible. 4. School Information Management Systems (SIMS): This system covers the administration on teaching and learning materials that can help in assisting the employees with the training and experience providing necessary materials for them to utilize during the session for training and mentoring. 5. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP): The system facilitates the flow of information inside the organizations throughout each departments as well as mange the flow and connections of stakeholders that are outside the boundaries of organization. To conclude, the system that they used had many flaws because they haven’t updated or review for a long time. Therefore, as given solution regarding company strategy up above, if they implement it with care, the company can overcome the problems that they have having and finally be able to improve the performance and the status of the business. How to informing Stakeholders are those person, group or organizations that are interested in the project that the company has been working on and therefore have trusted them enough to invest on the company. So in order to inform all the stakeholders about the new company strategy, we can use different communication strategy to be able to give them all the details and information concerning the new changes. Firstly, we can create a schedule for all the stakeholders so that they can be gathered up for the meeting. We can provide all the stakeholders with the notice through person, all the stakeholders can gather up in a precise location and discuss the new changes and be able to confirm that everybody gets it. Another way is to use technological factors to inform all the stakeholders. Different alternatives such as mailing the information to the stakeholders can also be used as one of the communication strategy to immediately inform every stakeholder as well as give them a softcopy of everything that needs to be included as changes of the new company strategy. As a conclusion there can be different ways to use communication strategy to forward different details and information to the stakeholders so that they can be updated every now and often. Future planning One of the biggest challenges faced by any kinds of companies and organizations are how to plan for the future, what to invest in, where to place your bet? It is really hard to perfectly predict the coming future and prepare for those upcoming situations, but we do have the creative thinking skills and behaviors to build an imaginative look at the future and to help the company to create powerful future scenarios and plan appropriate implications create powerful future scenarios and plan appropriate implications. I believe, the only way to lead a company to succeed is to be able to build new, advantaged knowledge that others do not know but we discover through powerful designs. Also, it is important to discover the unknown future opportunities that we do not know. In order to higher the chance to be successful, we have to do more than long term strategy, which an advanced model for foresight requires treating it as much more than the prediction of futurists or a technology development exercise. It should involve both analytical and imaginative thinking, which reaches beyond typical corporate approaches to strategic planning. However, it typically does not have a single answer, so we must consider multiple scenarios and make some collective bets in order to avoid worse-case scenario.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Case write up- Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Case write up- Marketing - Essay Example Lack of professional management therefore has resulted into the lack of organizational development which could have been translated into greater success for the firm at the international level. 3. Another important key issue is the lack of capital to expand the business not only in the local market but at the international level too. Lack of capital has forced the firm to actually limit it and grow organically rather than expanding itself into new and emerging market. This has indirectly resulted into lack of exposure for the firm at the international level besides restricting its growth capacity. 1. Market expansion should be considered as one of the important strategic moves by the firm to actually ensure that it expands into the market other than Europe. Market expansion can be achieved either through the formation of strategic alliances with the firms which are already operating in the target markets of the firm or through a direct entry into the market. 2. Product development can be another important strategic move which the firm can make in order to ensure that they offer a variety of products to the existing market. As described in the case that the retailers often take very few items during the season and the firm is still not in men’s or children business therefore to offer a variety to the market, it is critical that new products should be rolled out at relatively quicker pace in the existing market. In order to ensure that the firm becomes successful at the international level, it is important that the strategy of market expansion must be adapted. In order to expand, business needs to formulate strategic alliances with the firms working in other markets. The formation of strategic alliances can really offer the firm a real chance to know and understand the market with relatively lesser capital while at the same time gaining valuable entry into a new market. Strategic alliances could be formed either through the

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Critical Analysis of Technology & Ethics in Pop Culture Essay

Critical Analysis of Technology & Ethics in Pop Culture - Essay Example However, people fail to focus on the actual themes of future ethics at play in the movie, since it primarily focuses on social choices and the outcomes of an economic profit that is ethics based. District 9 is a movie that tends to go against what a viewer expects. It is the kind that plays on a viewer’s a presumption with the purpose of creating far much deeper and disturbing issues. Actually, first and most noticeable subtext in the movie is a depiction of racism, or rather in this situation speciesism. The fact that the setting of the movie was done in South Africa is an instant creation of an association with apartheid, a factor that results to some interesting thoughts concerning the capacity of humans to despise and distrust others (Dir. Blomkamp; District 9). The well-known story of the extensive humanitarian (or, this situation, non-humanitarian) aid programs to offer assistance rapidly turns into suspicions and fear once the original disaster has been turned away and the non-humans must somehow integrate into the city’s life and identity. The rigid nature of most of the cultural norms of humans quickly conflicts with the diverse behavior and values tha t the non-humans hold, with a lot of distrust and hostility being the outcome. The allegory is obvious, and has been effectively applied, but in the final section there seems to be no deeper concerns at hand. Racism is not only the primary factor that actually lies at the center of the ethical questions brought about by the movie (Dir. Blomkamp; District 9): in reality, real  contact  with human beings being technologically advanced will lead to the impossibility of them being oppressed. This context of segregation is attached to questions that surround the economics and development of new technology, and the efforts that most people will make so as to ensure that they secure either military or financial dominance over others. During the movie’s progression, the

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Business stat project Statistics Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Business stat - Statistics Project Example Summary statistics on customers’ age identifies highest statistics with Cadillac whose mean is for example 61 and Lincoln’s mean follows this at 59.5 years. Median and mode values follow the same trend across the organizations and this supports the hypothesis that Cadillac has retained control of the older population. Cadillac also reports the lower standard deviation for the customers’ ages to show that the ages are concentrated around the mean, 61 years. Ages for other companies’ customers however have higher standard deviations, with Mercedes and Lexus reporting the highest respectively, to indicate that the companies command a wider customer base in terms of age. Customers for Mercedes have the highest mean for household income (182287) and mean for Lexus’ customers (156134.8) follows this while Cadillac reported the lowest mean (108095.7). The trend is further consistent with medians to establish reliability. Standard deviation for Cadillac is further the lowest (15436.95) and this shows that its products are limited to households with lower incomes that the other companies. Descriptive statistics for number of years of education also identifies Cadillac with the lowest mean (12.86) and Mercedes with the highest mean (17.2). Modes and medians follow the same trend to establish reliability. Further, Cadillac reported the lowest standard deviation and this shows that its customers are limited to lower number of education years. The following graphs shows distribution of age, household income, and years of education for the customers for the five motor vehicle companies and are consistent with the descriptive statistics’ results. Data analysis shows that Cadillac’s market is limited to older people, people with low household income, and people with lower education years. Unlike its competitors that transverse across market segments, by these variables, Cadillac appears restricted to

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

The Evolution of Cloud Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

The Evolution of Cloud - Assignment Example Cloud computing allows a user to access his data or even run computer software from a remote data center via the internet. However, the data being accessed or the software being run needs to be present or stored in a cloud, rather than on a personal computer hard drive or a company’s server. This form of computer architecture has allowed many small and medium companies to grow. This has been done by enabling employees to access important corporate data while on the move. This has come as an alternative to costly network infrastructure, which demanded huge capital outlay from small and medium enterprises. It is interesting to know that this technological innovation has emerged from the existing technology landscape. A demonstration of this technological innovation is the Hotmail account which uses technology delivered by cloud computing. It provides users with data that is not stored on a personal computer. Experts believe this form of computing to unleash the next great paradigm shift of personal computing. This paradigm shift will transform the traditional model of computing and open up new opportunities for businesses, consumers, the environment and economic growth. There are numerous benefits of cloud computing, for instance, those countries which are spending exceedingly on information and communications technology; they can use this technology to reduce approximately 20-50 percent of their current cost. By means of this form of computing, users can access their data or run software from virtually anywhere. However, they do need an internet connection to make this possible. Cloud computing enables users to run their own applications while using their internet service provider’s servers, operating systems, and storage facility. Experts believe that cloud computing has the potential to create up to 240,000 jobs in the short term.