Wednesday, December 25, 2019

The Leaked Secrets to Sherlock Holmes Essay Topics Uncovered

The Leaked Secrets to Sherlock Holmes Essay Topics Uncovered Reading offers many advantages to persons who desire to turn into great writers later on. The requirements of writers online have changed since the calendar year 2000, once I published my very first matter. When you're selecting an essay topic, it is necessary to choose one which has lots of information and statistics to back up your standpoint, and don't exaggerate any info you have chosen to write about. To make sure you are on the most suitable way you will need help in writing your paperwork. You would like your paper to be noticed, meaning you don't want to choose the effortless topic and have your paper reflect precisely the same thing every one's paper does. Set your objective first, and think of a means to write it in an intriguing manner for your readers to relish. In this way, the reader may also feel the way to be in that specific birthday party. Utilize our creative ideas above to craft an incredible pa per on at least one of these fantastic and insightful themes for the ideal impact. The New Fuss About Sherlock Holmes Essay Topics You don't need to have five paragraphs and three points every moment. So far as essay structure goes, a 4 or 5 paragraph essay based on the number of points you are going to want to argue is an excellent start. It's possible to always give more details once your listener asks for more. It is possible to fill in details and modify the sentence structure after you're clear of what you will need to say. You should first determine the reason behind your essay, before it is possible to write persuasive content about it. Such essays shall have a good deal of quotations, based just on facts and laws, and show no more than the true picture of the situation. The book is genuinely an intriguing read. Naturally, you'll have to mention the very first book as the original supply of the stories. Otherwise, you are going to be suspected in plagiarism. Find ing out how to compose an essay is something which will help students not just in their school and college career, but throughout their life too. There are lots of elements to be considered while looking about for an acceptable topic for an essay undertaking. Therefore, the above told six position essay topics will allow you to compose a very good piece to position essay, but be sure whatever topic you're selecting is not hard to understand and on which you get a good expertise, otherwise you won't be in a position to create sturdy arguments. The more information you may gather about the subject, the better prepared you'll be for writing your essay. The Study Problem must meet up with the deadline selecting a topic that's compelling enough to sustain more study is crucial. Try to remember that even though selecting a topic is only the initial stage of writing an essay paper, it's also among the most important ones. When picking out persuasive essay topics to write about, it would be better to stick to your very own personal opinions so you are going to have a definite idea on what things to put in it. There are several ways of writing an essay but the fundamental structure stays the same. The genuine leadership essay is simple to read and understand. Next, you have to consider the method on how you need to relay it to your readers. In the majority of cases, you want to produce a topic which will allow other people to realize your viewpoint, and telling them to think that what you write is true. Consider an instance of how you can better your speaking via an illustration of a single change in how you believe. The word Goodbye is among the seven principal words and concerns a plan of development that has four steps. A History of Sherlock Holmes E ssay Topics Refuted Sherlock Holmes research paper topics will allow you to get a notion on the matter. He remarks that, Quite so you see, but you do not observe. The common detective story starts with a protagonist who's faced with a mostly mundane incident or the report of an incident he starts to investigate. By reading any of the Sherlock Holmes stories you will not just be enjoying a collection of tales told well but also exploring part of the foundation of contemporary literature. Definitions of Sherlock Holmes Essay Topics In my motivational speaking career, I've had to learn to develop into a master marketer like I learned how to earn money with motivational speaking. You have to make sure that you're very interested in the topic before it's possible to persuade others about it. First off, select a topic that's interesting for you before you think how others are going to react to it. This essay is likely to end up being 300 to 600 words, so in the event that you pick solid examples and make sure you're very clear in your explanations of things, it won't tough to reach. Speech disorders are quite simple to recognize by a layperson. In an issue of speaking, picking out persuasive essay topics is similar to telling yourself what you need to convey to the rest of the planet. Holmes also shows a special approach to working, he'll deliberate almost as if he's asleep before acting. Although the writer is just describing the subject, there ought to still be logic to follow. To start with, he should choose a topic to discuss. Our writers can help you.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Knowledge Management in Ec – E-Commerce - 3096 Words

Knowledge Management in EC – e-commerce Abstract In the present E-Commerce (EC) era Knowledge Management (KM) is fundamental to a company’s success. Not only has the topic of KM attracted much research attention but the management of customer knowledge is becoming increasingly important. Nevertheless, little research has been carried out to see how KM is gained through EC and what a suitable framework is. Companies with EC operations have the advantage of acquiring more detailed information about their customers; for that reason they can gain valuable knowledge about their market. This paper will look at an analysis of how KM is employed in EC sites through analysing the interactions between the Business and Consumer, and between†¦show more content†¦An analysis of these definitions reveals that, while all the definitions are similar and not dominant over each other, five apparent themes on the characteristics of EC do come forward as proposed by Allard and Holsapple (2002). ââ€" ª Firstly, EC sites focus on ma rket-based activities, for example buying and selling through the use of computer based technology, which is probably the most common outlook of what EC is. ââ€" ª Information on the transaction is exchanged and traded almost as if it was the product itself. ââ€" ª EC has an activity outlook that comprehends a range of business activities outside trading that are fulfilled using technologies, for example, marketing activities, production activities, decision support, research activities, trading activities etc. ââ€" ª The goals, reasons and effects of EC are explored from the perspective of business strategy, planning, evaluation etc. ââ€" ª Finally EC is used as a technology to add value to the value chain model described by Porter (2004, pg 33-63). E-Commerce Relationships Nah et al (2002) state that EC activities include the formation and maintenance of online relationships between an organisation and its customers, suppliers, partners, dealers and other agents related to (or in the support of) traditional delivery channels , in ways that could not be supported in traditional retail channels. These activities may be business-to-consumer (B2C), consumer-to-business (C2B), business-to-business (B2B)Show MoreRelatedChapter 8 E-Supply Chain, Collaborative Commerce, and Intrabusiness Ec3301 Words   |  14 PagesChapter 8 E-Supply Chain, Collaborative Commerce, and Intrabusiness EC Learning Objectives Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to: 1. Define e-supply chain and describe its characteristics and components. 2. List supply chain problems and their causes. 3. List solutions to supply chain problems provided by EC. 4. Define c-commerce and list its major types. 5. 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According to the EC consumer behavior model, personal characteristics and environmental characteristics are classified as: a. independent variables b. dependent variables c. intervening variables d. decision variables 2. The major environmental variables influencing EC purchasing are: a. price, brand, frequency of purchase, and tangibility. b. social, cultural, community, regulatory, politicalRead MoreLogistics Information Systems4867 Words   |  20 PagesThe impacts of the integrated logistics systems on electronic commerce and enterprise resource planning systems Stephen M. Rutner a, Brian J. Gibson b and Susan R. Williams c a Department of Marketing and Logistics, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR 72701, USA b Department of Aviation Management and Logistics, Auburn University, Auburn, AL 36849, USA c Department of Information Systems and Logistics, Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, GA 30460, USA Available online 31 DecemberRead MoreSeminar Paper on Strategies to Achieve Market Leadership: the Example of Amazon13422 Words   |  54 PagesTechnische Università ¤t Berlin Fakultà ¤t VIII: Wirtschaft und Management Institut fà ¼r Technologie und Management Fachgebiet Strategische Unternehmensfà ¼hrung Prof. Dr. Michael Mirow Seminar Paper on Strategies to Achieve Market Leadership: The Example of Amazon (Summer term 2005) presented by: Sà ¶ren Preibusch, 215995 Kottbusser Damm 24 10967 Berlin Matthias Fleckenstein, 215274 Magistratsweg 21 13593 Berlin Berlin, May 17, 2005 Table of Contents I Table of Contents TableRead MoreZappos.Com6734 Words   |  27 PagesDelivering Happiness at | Supply Chain Management | Submitted To : Raghuram Jayaraman Submitted By: Kiran Khokhar Divya Jain | Table of Contents S.No. | Content | Page No. | 1. | Agile Supply Chain and its Process | 3 | 2. | E-Business | 10 | 3. | Case Study – Zappos.Com | 13 | 4. | Flow Chart | 17 | 5. | Conclusion | 20 | 6. | References | 23 | Agile SupplyRead MoreE-Commerce Test Questions6617 Words   |  27 PagesQuestion 1 A Marks: 1 Major barriers to EC include each of the following except Choose one answer. |[pic] |a. competition. | | |[pic] |b. lack of potential customers. | | |[pic] |c. implementation difficulties. | | |[pic] |d. lack of technology skills. | | Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1. Question 2 B Marks: 1 Because the pace of change and level of uncertainty in the marketplace are expected to accelerate, organizations

Monday, December 9, 2019

Business Process Modeling Organizational Structure

Question: Discuss about theBusiness Process Modeling for Organizational Structure. Answer: 1. The most common organizational structure is the functional type of organizational structure. In the case of small companies their objective is to group their employees in accordance with the departments as their business increases. Grouping the workers based on their functional areas makes a broader sense for the organization as well. Organizations that follow the functional type of organizational structure generally divides their departments based on their functionality, such as accounts, marketing and advertisement, accounting, business development and engineering (Scholz-Reiter and Stickel 2012). The main advantage of the functional type of organizational structure is that when the workforce is grouped on the basis of skills and knowledge it enables a higher efficiency among the workers. The disadvantage of this structure is that, it may enable higher efficiency among the departments but often loses the sight of the entire organization. 2. A functional information system is defined as the system that can be used to gather detailed information about a particular activity or an activity conducted by a group. At the same time a functional information system also summarizes all the available information in this regard in order to help the management in controlling such activities. There are a number of advantages associated with the use of functional information system. However, the most effective among them is it allows its user to access and understand the information and thereby helps them to take necessary actions as soon as possible (Weske 2012). On the other hand, the disadvantage of this system is if it does not function in a proper way, it may cease the operability of the organization. 3. The enterprise information system is any kind of information system that helps an enterprise to improve its business by the integration process. The enterprise information system can be tailored in accordance with the need of an organization to obtain support for the organization. The key difference between the functional information system and the enterprise information system is that enterprise information system operates on the basis of integrating the tools within the organization (Gruhn et al. 2015). The most impressive advantage of enterprise information system is that it provides efficiency and collaboration among the departments within an organization. 4. A functional based organization generally organizes the in accordance with the functional lines, for example along the sales and production. While on the other hand a process oriented organization focuses on the business process for example on the strategic planning of the organization. This is the key difference between the functional view and process view of organizations (Becker et al. 2015). The process view has become more important today because of the overriding pressure of global competition which is forcing the organizations to curtail costs and lead times along with eliminating process delays. 5. The employees in the accounts payable department verify a payment with the help of three way matching system. The three way match system is process of matching an invoice obtained from a creditor or a supplier with the information available with the purchase order of the company as well as the goods receipt of the customer. Therefore the three way match is used in the procurement process in order to ensure whether the transaction is complete and accurate (Scholtz, Calitz and Snyman 2013). In order to complete the system finally the other participants in the supply chain or procurement process in order to ensure the correctness and viability of the entire transaction. 6. Any manufacturing process undergoes a number of phases of production and at each of the phases, components are always required. Bill of Materials actually takes into account the details of the components required at the different levels of operation. In the case of a multi-level Bill of Material there is a child parent relationship that is maintained throughout the successive process. The routing model is defined as the process that takes into account all the tasks that are necessary for the process of manufacturing. It identifies the work centers which are related to these tasks. It also maintains a sequence of task linked operations that have to be carried out on the work centers (Riemer et al. 2014). 7. There are various problems which are associated with the paper based business process or manual business process. There is huge burden on employees for manual routing, that gives rise to the possibility of lost or miscalculated paper work. This paper work may also include a significantly high amount of exceptions and discrepancies. The process takes a lot of time. In order to deal with these issues most of the organizations are relying on automation of these processes. Shifting to these advanced processes will help the companies to deal with these existing issues (Nurcan and Schmidt 2015). 8. At the first sight make to order and make to stock processes may seem to be similar. However, there are major differences between these two. In the case of make to order, the production orders are linked with the sales order. While on the other hand, in the case of make to stock production, production planning gives rise to the orders (Heidari et al. 2013). If the organizations want to adopt the make to order production its ERP system must possess a well-established link between the production module and the order module this is a huge disadvantage. The advantage of make to stock production the forecast of sales can be easily transformed into planning of production. 9. Globalization has affected the organizations performance in several ways. The most three important factors that are associated with globalization affects the performance of the organization broadly. These factors are expanded markets, cheaper resources and the combination of these two. Due to globalization the market where the organization operates becomes larger, and then sometimes it becomes tough for the organization to operate in such a market. Due to the integration between various countries an organization may obtain cheaper resources from another country and thereby reduce the cost of production. The combination of these two will lead to the expansion of the organization (Scheuerlein et al. 2012). 10. It means that a product can be seen from a different view point by the customers. It may be the packaging of the product or the details and quality of the product. Therefore it is necessary for the seller to present the product in such a way in front of the customers so that whatever be their view they will select the product over its other substitutes (Scheuerlein et al. 2012). 11. The master data is that data which remains unchanged over a long period of time after being stored. It contains the information that is always required in the same for. For example the personal attributes when stored in the system can be regarded as the master data. Organizational data is that data which also remains unchanged but may change from time to time basis. The example is the data related to the organization such as the profit and loss of the organization. Transactional data relates to the data collected on the basis of day to day transactionsfor example the data of daily sales of the business. 12. The four basic material types in an enterprise resource planning software are the product planning, manufacturing, manufacturing and inventory management (Scheuerlein et al. 2012). Reference List: Becker, J., Thome, I., Wei, B. and Winkelmann, A., 2015. Constructing a semantic business process modelling language for the banking sector-an evolutionary dyadic design science approach.Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures,5(1), pp.4-25. Gruhn, V., Laue, R., Khne, S. and Kern, H., 2015. A business process modelling tool with continuous validation support.Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures,4(2), pp.37-51. Heidari, F., Loucopoulos, P. and Brazier, F.M., 2013.Business process modelling for measuring quality.International Journal on Advances in Intelligent Systems, 6 (3-4), 2013. Lodhi, A., Kppen, V., Wind, S. and Saake, G., 2013, September. An Analytical Business Process Modelling Language: An Illustrative Example. Ine-Business Engineering (ICEBE), 2013 IEEE 10th International Conference on(pp. 149-155). IEEE. Nurcan, S. and Schmidt, R., 2015.Special Section of BPMDS'2012 on" Artefacts and processes for business process modelling and management". Special Section of the 13th Conference of Business Process Modeling, Development and Support (BPMDS12). Riemer, K., Johnston, R. and Indulska, M., 2014.Questioning the philosophical foundations of business process modelling. Scheuerlein, H., Rauchfuss, F., Dittmar, Y., Molle, R., Lehmann, T., Pienkos, N. and Settmacher, U., 2012. New methods for clinical pathwaysbusiness process modeling notation (BPMN) and tangible business process modeling (t. BPM).Langenbeck's Archives of Surgery,397(5), pp.755-761. Scholtz, B., Calitz, A. and Snyman, I., 2013, October. The usability of collaborative tools: application to business process modelling. InProceedings of the South African Institute for Computer Scientists and Information Technologists Conference(pp. 347-358).ACM. Scholz-Reiter, B. and Stickel, E. eds., 2012.Business process modelling. Springer Science Business Media. Weske, M., 2012.Business process management architectures.InBusiness Process Management(pp. 333-371).Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

journal 10 Essays - Sex Crimes, Violence Against Men,

Spread of Diseases: Sex Trafficking and HIV/AIDS In chapter nine, "Fighting Global Diseases: Pandemics, Antibiotics, Resistance, AIDS, and Maternal Health," June Johnson illustrates the spread and prevention of wide spread diseases. Johnson uses key terms such as, pandemics, antibiotics, Influenza, HIV/AIDS, resistance and control to support her purpose. The stakes are the pandemics, HIV/AIDS and the resistance to antibiotics and vaccinations while the stakeholders are citizens, health leaders, pharmaceutical companies, health care workers and organizations, and political leaders. In the section Thinking Visually shows a scene from the movie Contagion about a virus that killed tons of people, the movie brought awareness to the public and the government for improvements in health care systems during pandemics.The Student Voice, "Experiencing the SARS Pandemic" by Martin Merin, shares his senior year during the SARS epidemic in Taiwan which interrupted his everyday life. Marin believes the Thai government learned how to hand le epidemics more beneficially after SARS had been controlled, "I think the Taiwan government, having learned through this experience, would now be more efficient in dealing with the threat of SARS of other similar diseases" (454). International Voices provides a speech from the president of Liberia who advocates sanitation in the country to prevent the spread of sanitation related diseases. The Global Hotspot is Sub-Saharan Africa because of the effects of AIDS has on the people in the region, the section shows an excerpt from an article which lists ways to reduce the contraction of AIDS. In "Sex Trafficking and HIV/AIDS: A Deadly Junction for Women and Girls" Amanda Kloersex advocates against sex trafficking and addresses the dangers of HIV/AIDS. In the article the stakes are sex trafficking, sex slavery, and HIV/AIDS. Koher's article was aimed at the general public in order for political figures and health officials to make efforts to prevent HIV/AIDS. Koher believes to prevent the disease from spreading involves taking action against sex trafficking organizations and HIV/AIDS; "Preventing this multiplier effect of HIV transmission catalyzed by sex trafficking involves fighting two global phenomena- a deadly disease and a highly complex and lucrative criminal industry, both of which disproportionately affect girls and women around the world" (418). The article identifies the relationship between sex trafficking victims and HIV/AIDS in which sex trafficking victims have a higher chance of contracting the disease. While establishing the relationship between the spread of HIV/ AIDS and sex trafficking, Amanda Kloer supports her claim by providing statistics about victims with the disease, data on people in other countries outside the U.S related to sex trafficking as a global transmission of the disease and provides real examples about the prevention of HIV/AIDS which went against the trafficking reform. Kloer possibly targeted trafficking or health policy makers as well as political leader with new ways of ending sex trafficking in order to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS. Kloer uses logical examples before proposing new reforms against sex trafficking in order to provide strengthened argumentative reasoning. The logical examples about unprotected sex which increases the risk of sexually transmitted diseases, especially when a sex trafficking victim does not have access to contraceptives. Kloer connects the local and global aspects of both issues and impotence of young girls by providin g local and global data of sex trafficking victims in the U.S and in other countries who have contracted HIV/AIDS during captivity. Works Cited Johnson, June. Global Issues, Local Arguments: Readings for Writings . 3rd edition. Boston. Person. 2014. Print. Koler, Amanda. "Sex Trafficking and HIV/AIDS: A Deadly Junction for Women and Girls."Johnson, June. Global Issues, Local Arguments: Readings for Writings . 3rd edition. Boston. Person. 2014. Print. Pp. 418-25.